
April roundup

This month I wasn’t as much into blogging as before. Not sure why. Even so, I did blog once or twice each week. That is less than my usual a post every other day. We’ve celebrated Easter, but that seems like a very long time ago. We are having a much nicer weather and we […]

Old Docks Experience - Albert Docks

Old Docks Experience

I’ve been to the Old Docks Experience a few years ago, in 2013. I shared a few pictures, but not a lot of details. After 5 years, and a lot of history related TV shows and books, I was ready to go on the Old Docks Experience tour again. I took advantage of the last […]

vegan for 1 week

Vegan for 1 Week

I’ve added on my 40 before 40 bucket list: Vegan for 1 week. It might be a bit strange, as I’m been vegetarian for more than 10 years. Also, my diet involves eating quite a lot of vegan food. But, I wanted to see how it would be. I made a meal plan and I […]

Red cocktails at Aloha

Cocktails at Aloha Bar

I was invited to an amazing blogging event: Cocktails at Aloha bar part of the Takamaka Takeover Tour. Aloha is a Tiki bar in Liverpool city centre. I haven’t been to Aloha before, so I was very excited about the event. Takamaka is a brand of Rum made in the Seychelles. If you want to […]

Organic Shop Hair Products - Avocado And Honey Range

Organic Shop Hair Products

I love trying new products and I was eager to try this new Organic Shop Hair Products. There are 5 ranges to choose from: Coconut And Shea (moisturising), Argan And Amla (nourishing), Avocado & Honey (repairing), Raspberry & Acai (volumising), and Patchouli & Pomegranate (invigorating). I picked the avocado and honey range because they are […]

Bramall Hall in Manchester

Bramall Hall, Manchester

I’ve been to Bramall Hall in Manchester last year and I loved it, even though it was a brief visit as we got there only one hour before closing time. I didn’t have my DSLR with me, so I went again this year, so I can have a better look and take pictures too. There […]

Vulcanii Noroiosi bubbling

Vulcanii Noroiosi, Romania

The first post in my Travel Memories Series is about Vulcanii Noroiosi, from Romania. Vulcanii Noroiosi or Mud Volcanoes are a fascinating natural phenomenon. The natural gases are erupting from depths of 3,000 m, through layers of mud and water, creating these bubbling volcanoes. It’s not something that can be seen in many places in […]

Slaves of Fashion Exhibition - Indigo

Slaves of Fashion Exhibition

I’ve been to the Slaves of Fashion Exhibition at Walker Art Gallery last month. It was very interesting and it did made me consider my buying choices. The exhibition is still on display until the second part of May, details on Walker’s gallery website ( If you’ve followed my blog, you might have seen the […]

Liverpool Central Library

Liverpool Central Library

I love reading books, in fact I have a whole new blog to talk about them: Coffee & Books. As I’m reading a lot of books, most of them are borrowed from the library, not only is much cheaper, but I don’t have to think where to store all the books. The bookshelves are not […]

Method laundry detergent. Two bottles

Method laundry detergent

I picked a bottle of Method laundry detergent from the supermarket shelf a few months ago. I loved how great it was, cleaning the clothes nicely. Of course, I continued buying this product. Initially I had no intention of writing on my blog. But, then, I thought of why I tried this new detergent in […]