
Goals for 2022. How I did.

It’s time for: Goals for 2022. How I did. It is a mix bag, but I’m happy. I want to push myself a bit, but I’m not stressed if I can’t do one of them. These goals are for fun. Goals for 2022: Blogs 1. Post regularly. Goals included to post all book reviews on […]

Christmas gifts

Christmas 2022

Christmas this year must have been one of the most curious ones, mainly because of the gifts we bought to each other, my husband and I. As usual, we went for an advent-calendar type of gifts, ranging from some chocolate or the strangest one I got – mix of nails (more on that in the […]

Carol of the Bells

Carol of the Bells

Carol of the Bells or Toll of the Bells is Ukrainian, something I found out recently. I thought it would be interesting to know about it. Read about the song’s story in this article or watch the first clip. This is the short story of Mykola Leontovych’s Shtshedryk. It was performed in US 100 years […]

Christmas tree

Christmas 2021

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas, if they celebrated, of course. I am sharing highlights, as I do each year. This is our tree, at the beginning of the month. This year too we had an advent-calendar gift giving, 25 gifts for each day instead of bigger gifts at Christmas. We both love this […]


Festus’ 12th Birthday

Today is Festus’ 12 birthday. This is amazing, considering his breed, we never imagined we could enjoy his presence in our lives for such a long time. For his 12th birthday I’m going to share 12 Facts about Festus, some I mentioned before and some new. 1. He slept in a museum. In a trip […]

All three

Christmas 2020

As I do each year, I’m sharing pictures from our Christmas. For us Christmas was not too dissimilar from the previous years, as we always celebrate the Christmas at home, all three of us. We’ve decided to take selfies instead of the staged photos. Festus did great and looked directly at the camera. It was […]

Festus’s 11th Birthday

A couple of days ago it was Festus’s 11th Birthday. I’ll share lots of pictures from the day, so I hope that you’ll enjoy them. He was very curious how his bottle of ChamPaws is. Didn’t like the taste, but loved the bottle. He loves Champagne bottles. I shared a short clip with him getting […]

Us three

Our Christmas, 2019

I hope you all had a wonderful time this Christmas. We’ve celebrated like we did in the last few years, at home, enjoying our presents, eating delicious food, listening to the Queen’s speech, and watching movies/reading books. I blogged about the food I prepared on my cook blog, in a post called almost vegan Christmas […]

Collage of pictures

10th Gotcha Day

Today is Festus’ 10th Gotcha Day. The day before, we went to visit his breeder and see the kennels. It was quite unexpected to get there the following day and get Festus. It was not planned, but it was for the best. Initially I wanted to share a picture from each year, then thought of […]

map of UK

8th Anniversary

Two years ago, to mark my 6th year in UK I made a round-up of all the places I’ve been to. Funnily, it was a round number: 100, here is the post. I thought it would be nice to continue and last year I put 22 more flags on the map, here is the round-up. […]