
Blogger interview series

I have a few tags from lovely bloggers and I’ll publish all 3 of them in the next two weeks. They are interesting and different. Amanda tagged me in Blogger interview series. She has a wonderful blog that I am reading for a while now, go and have a look.

Blogger interview series

How did you get into blogging?
I started my first blog as a way to share my recipes, soon after I become vegetarian. I was trying out new recipes and my passion for cooking evolved. The blog is still live, but I’m not posting any more.
My second blog was dedicated to the dog. When he was a pup we did so many things, training, playing and going on holidays. I still have his blog, but at the moment I’m not updating it as often as I would like. When we moved to UK, I transferred all the old files into another blog for safekeeping. Hubby redesigned it, to be more suitable for his new lifestyle.
Ancaslifestyle is my third blog, started in 2011, as a way to connect with family and friends when I moved to UK. I was using emails and facebook with old friends and new ones alike, so I didn’t pay attention to other readers because I didn’t think of it. Last summer I decided to sign up to bloglovin after I started to read other blogs. From February I’m on twitter and from this month on Instagram too. It was easy to connect with other bloggers and readers as I was writing in English anyway.
The forth blog is a cooking blog: CookStyle. This time I’m writing it in English. I wanted a new blog because my way of cooking has changed a lot in the last few years. I’m using different methods and ingredients. I’m also doing challenges like Taste the World (a meal from every part of the world) and baking along Great British Bake Off.

What advice would you give to a blogger just starting out?
Do what you think is best for you. Blogging as a hobby is really great, the community is amazing, having a space where you can say what you want is amazing too. Is a time-consuming hobby, but most hobbies are time-consuming anyway.
But if you want to start blogging as a job, the situation is very different, think carefully about it.

What would be your dream campaign?
I care about a lot of things, like animal rights, acceptance of others, eco-friendly issues are important for me too. I am also concerned with preserving our history, as a whole, regardless if it’s in UK, Norway or Syria. It’s not very focused, but I can’t give a specific answer.

Do you have a plan for your blog?
I blog as a hobby, so I don’t feel the need for a plan or monthly/yearly goals. I would like to have more readers and followers on social media, but I love it the way is right now too. I have the opportunity to work with brands and PR companies from time to time and I enjoy it.
I wouldn’t want to make it my job because I love my job, so I don’t feel any pressure.
The only thing that I plan are blog posts for the week ahead, as I have a daily schedule that I try to follow and where I have all the important info on events (work and personal). This means that I schedule blog posts sometimes, like this one, because when you are reading this I am away with work for a week.

What do you think about rankings?
I find them fascinating. I am looking at my followers on different channels and my domain authority because I love numbers. I also learned about SEO, I try it on my blog(s) to see how it goes and that helps me with my job too.

It was lovely to answer this questions and I’ll have to thank Amanda again for nominating me. Now I will nominate the following bloggers and I hope they will join in:
Hannah at floralinspiredlife
Sam at
Sarah at
Laura at
Luke at
Leonie at

6 Comment

  1. Great answers! It’s really interesting to hear you have had different blogs! I’ve just stuck with the same one over a decade but I know quite a few people that have started different ones!x

  2. Thanks for the tag! My answers will be up in just over a week! I’m with you, as much as I love blogging, I can’t see me wanting to make it my job any time soon. If I gave it up as a hobby then what would I do??

    Sarah 🙂

  3. Aww, you’re welcome for the nomination, Anca! *High five* for being a vegetarian, it’s one of the best decisions I ever made! People keep asking if I find it difficult, and the answer is, not at all, I love it. Wow, it’s amazing that you have all those blogs! It’s hard work just keeping one going! Yay, we also have similar ideas with regards to our dream campaign, animal rights and the environment are super important, as is preserving history. Lovely post! Enjoy the rest of your weekend 🙂 x

    1. *High five* 🙂 Being vegetarian is not hard, there are hundreds of types of veggies and only a few types of meat :))
      I know we think the same in many aspects x

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