Oriel entrance

Oriel Oxford

I finished my course, so today I am sharing pictures of Oriel Oxford, my college. I could have shared double the number of pictures, so there are things missing. The college is 698 years old, established in 1326, under Edward II. It is one of the smallest colleges by size, naturally for a college so […]

Timothy Snyder The Making of Modern Ukraine

Timothy Snyder: The Making of Modern Ukraine

Today I am going to talk about Timothy Snyder: The Making of Modern Ukraine course on YouTube. I didn’t think I will blog about this course because it is a 23 lectures long Yale Course, you can find here. I imagine it will be a focused course which due to its length and topic might […]

Oriel College

MSt at Oxford

When I wrote about my graduation at KCL I had no idea that I will write about my Masters’ so soon after. I was waiting for the final confirmation before sharing the news, which happened last week. I am going to do a MSt in European History at Oxford. It had only a few places […]


Graduating King’s College London

In May I talked about my experience at KCL and that I finished my studies. Today I will talk about graduating King’s College London with BA (Hons) in History, achieving First Class. My grades should have been released in mid to late May, with the results being delayed due to the marking boycott. As I […]



Now I can say I finished my second university. Soon I will have a second BA degree, as my journey at KCL ended with the 2nd term and the final one. I shared my experience for all the terms, from year 2 – term 1 and term 2, and the year 3 – term 1. […]

Ukrainian books

Ukrainian books

Today President Zelensky made a surprise visit to Britain, so I’ve decided to post today about the books I plan to read about Ukraine, written by Ukrainians, photographed on the Ukrainian and British flags. I keep these two flags in our conservatory. The Ukrainian one is from a march I’ve been to, last year in […]

BL outside

KCL – 1st term

KCL – 1st term of year 3 is officially over today. I’m so happy, especially as yesterday I received feedback for my dissertation proposal which gave me a grade in the 1st class bracket. I also uploaded my last assignment and I’m very happy with how it turned out, the topic was so exciting and […]


What is a diploma equivalent to?

My readers know that I’m studying for a second BA degree, now I’m in the final year. Today I’m talking about What is a diploma equivalent to?*, a topic covered in this article too. I chose the traditional path of going to university before getting a job related to my studies. Now, I did the […]


KCL – 2nd term

It seems a bit strange to blog about the 2nd term at King’s when I already started, in a way, year 3, but more about that at the end of the post. This will be a quick post, as I already mentioned a lot of things regarding year 2 at King’s College in my first […]

My 2022 TBR List #1

My 2022 TBR List #1

My 2022 TBR List #1 is a sort of a wishlist, as I am not sure I will read all these books completely in the next 2-3 months, mainly because I have other books to read, for university and because I never stick to a determined list of books, but change my mind depending on […]