Reviews Restaurants & Pubs

Cafe de Pierre

Cafe de Pierre took over the former Patisserie Valerie locations in Debenhams. They offer brasserie-style light lunches and, of course, cakes. As I planned to go to Debenhams because I wanted to buy something from there, my husband suggested we stopped for lunch at Cafe de Pierre.

Cafe de Pierre. Flower tea

I was delighted to find this gorgeous flower tea in their menu. It looks amazing. I love flower teas and it’s something I make for myself at home. My husband ordered organic Matcha latte. It was great as well, the matcha flavour was noticeable, but not too much. I liked both, although I’m likely to order the flower tea as I love the theatre of it.

Cafe de Pierre. Egg mayo with Mustard and cheese

For lunch, we’ve got egg mayo with mustard and cheese, a rather strange combination, but it works. I did enjoy my sandwiches. It came with some crisps, that I can’t say I’m too keen on, and some salad.

Cafe de Pierre. Mozarella tomato basil ciabatta

My husband ordered Mozarella tomato basil ciabatta. It was nice, but I do think mine was better.

Cafe de Pierre. Raspberry Gateaux

Raspberry Gateaux was fab! I loved it. It had an intense raspberry flavour and the decorations on top were buttercream with fondant. Loved the way it looked and the taste. I’d happily order that again.

Cafe de Pierre. Honey Cake

My husband picked Honey Cake. I had a taste of that and it was just as amazing as the raspberry gateaux. It was not too sweet, just perfect.

I did enjoy my lunch and my husband did too. The cakes are a bit different from the ones at Patisserie Valerie, they have a wider range. The drinks were very interesting and the sandwiches as well. While they don’t seem to have a great range of vegan options, as vegetarians we were quite happy with everything on offer.

The flower tea is only £3.25, while the matcha latte is £3.50. Both ciabatta and the sandwich were just shy of £8 each. The raspberry gateaux was a few pennies off £5 and the honey cake £4.70. It’s not exactly a cheap lunch, but not very expensive either. The staff was very friendly and smiling, we’ve received our orders fast. I’d go there again without a doubt.

Cafe de Pierre Liverpool is at Debenhams, in Liverpool ONE. While it’s sad to see Patisserie Valerie having problems, I was excited to try the new cakes from this new location. I’ve read that they decided to employ the staff that was made redundant after Patisserie Valerie went into administration. At the moment 150 people got a job and they plan to hire 200 more people, so I’m happy to support them in a small way, by having a slice of cake and also share my experience on my blog. Check their website if you want to know more.

8 Comment

  1. The flower tea looks stunning! Very pretty. I’d be happy with a cup of tea like that. And both cakes look gorgeous too, it would be a tough choice between these two.
    Sandwiches, though, are quite overpriced for what you get, and don’t sound very inspiring.

  2. I can’t eat any of it (damn food allergies!), but that looks so delicious! I’ve never seen a flower tea like that before.

  3. The cake selection looks much more tempting that the Patisserie Valerie options. I always struggled to find something I liked (savoury or sweet).

    Now I am wondering if my local Debenhams has he same franchise…

    If so I will have to arrange a lunch date (meet up) with my hubby when he has his lunch break from work 🙂

  4. I’ve just returned from a Thai Restaurant for dinner where I had the Jasmine flower tea. I adore the flavour!!! This sounds very nice. I didn’t know that Patisserie Valerie had gone into Administration- that’s very sad. This sounds a great place to eat though.x

  5. Hello, Anca,

    How I wish we got to Liverpool during our England voyage. Forget the Beatles! Just seeing your wonderful lunch would be reason enough to go!

    I’m new to your blog and thank you for visiting mine. I will look for your baking show post — that’s one of my favorites (though I confess to missing Mary Berry!)

  6. I had the flower tea years ago and they costs me £8! I am glad the price have dropped. It is very innovative. So beautiful to look at and taste nice.
    It is sad when company close but glad to know they are hiring more people!

  7. That flowering tea is gorgeous! I’ve never seen one brewed in the mug itself. Years ago I was gifted a kit that included a variety of flowering teas along with a cute little clear glass teapot. I loved trying them all.

    I’m afraid I never met a chip (crisp) I didn’t like. Whether corn or potato, they’re one of my greatest temptations/downfalls in life.

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