Everyday life Life

A dog and three lions

Festus’ 11th birthday is next month, so it’s pretty amazing that he is still so playful and full of energy. He has some age related issues, but these do not stop him from enjoying his life to the fullest. Enjoy pictures and a short, 2 minutes, clip with him.

dog playing with ball

dog playing with ball

dog playing with ball

In the movie I give him the command “lasa” meaning “leave it”, so I can kick it. Of course, my footballing skills are not great as they are, on top of that I was trying to make the clip as well… hence the poor passes I make. To correct him when he is pulling the grass out I say an “ii”, as it was not necessary to appeal to the “no” command. The grass is overgrown, but some new grass is now growing and we need to wait for a week before cutting it.

dog playing with ball

dog playing with ball

dog playing with ball

dog playing with ball

dog playing with ball

dog playing with ball

5 Comment

  1. What an adorable football loving dog. I saw the video and it looks like he is having so much fun playing with the ball. I love that he listens to your commands and lets of the ball when you say lasa.

  2. Awww….. I loved everything about this post!! It brings back such good memories of our Rottie girl, Esther. She had a toy billed as “the almost indestructible dog ball” that she dribbled all over our back yard. It was her favorite pastime and kept her fit. Neither her brother nor our first Rottweiler ever played with balls.

    Thanks so much for sharing this!

    1. I’m happy my post brought back happy memories for you. Festus always loved balls, since he was a 3 month old pup, maybe because he wants for us to play with him and football is a team sport. 🙂

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