England Travel

Museums in Cambridge

I visited two museums in Cambridge, Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences and Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. I’ve been fascinated by fossils for years. I also like archaeology, so I was eager to see them. Both have free entry and are close to each other.

Sedgwick Museum of Earth Sciences is a small museum comparing to the ones in London. Even so, it has an impressive history that started in 1728. It is the oldest museum in Cambridge.

01 Archaeological museum
As I said, I love fossils. I always thought that the amount of details imprinted in the rock is amazing.

02 Archaeological museum

03 Archaeological museum

04 Archaeological museum
These are fossilized raindrops and footprints, formed 200 million years ago.

There are many more interesting exhibits at Sedgwick. I spent a couple of hours looking at almost all of them. The next museum was Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. The museum of Archaeology is on three levels and it’s quite small.

05 Archaeological museum
On the first floor there is a very interesting collection of artifacts from all around the world. The long pole is from Canada. They were carved with totems of the owner and elements of a supernatural encounter. The poles were raised at festivals and usually were placed next to big and important homes.

06 Archaeological museum

07 Archaeological museum

08 Archaeological museum

Beside the beautiful buildings and the meal at Rainbow cafe, going to see the museums in Cambridge made the day even better.

14 Comment

  1. I love museums. They’re so interesting! Me and my partner went to one in Liverpool in August – we loved it.

    Thanks for linking up to #justanotherlinky

  2. Great post and fantastic photo. These fossils look so interesting. Thanks for linking up to #justanotherlinky xx

  3. I love the architecture of these museums. I’ve never been to Cambridge but would love to one day. We visited Oxford in the Summer and it wasn’t how I expected at all.

    I love the totem poles from Canada!

    Thanks for linking to #traveltales

  4. That’s amazing that there are fossilized raindrops, that’s incredible. I love the sound of both of those museums. #traveltales

  5. Both museums look awesome and some place that I would visit, seriously. I love the look and feel of the exhibits. Glad you had fun!

  6. I love fossils, too. There’s something so lovely about how real something can feel that was alive so long ago! It’s like of like a really old photograph.

    Corinne x

    1. I never thought of it as an old photograph, but it is, what a lovely way to describe the fossils. x

  7. I think fossils are fascinating, too, they’re somehow so beautiful and sad at the same time, to think that something living made that imprint so long ago. Those totem poles are crazy! Imagine having that in your garden or living room as an ornament 🙂 great post, Anca! Have a lovely weekend a spooky Halloween! x

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