
Africa Oye

Africa Oye is an African festival in Liverpool, at Sefton Park. I found out about it from a friend and decided to go. Yesterday morning was cold and it rained, so I prepared myself with wellies, waterproof jacket and we headed to Sefton. The sun came up and I had to ditch the jacket and the wellies kept me too warm. The festival is free and it is very entertaining; it’s still on today.

01 Africa Oye Liverpool festival 2015

There are a lot of stalls with African clothes and didgeridoos and a lot of other interesting things. There are also stalls with food and drinks.

02 Africa Oye Liverpool festival 2015

03 Africa Oye Liverpool festival 2015

I loved these chickens! I wanted to buy 5 for the garden, but it’s not the best time at the moment. We are in the process of renovating (painting sounds too easy, so I use renovating instead) the conservatory and I’m thinking of getting screening for back fence and we have to sort out the bird feeder. Yes, still a lot of things to do before I can decide on the decorations or even if I want decorations.
Hubby said the dog will not appreciate a few chickens staring at him from the garden. Also, I am not sure I want the same decorations all the year, so we have to make the attic ready for the extra decorations. As you can see, the chickens were quite an important subject in our house last night.

The African clothes looked wonderful, colourful and cute.

04 Africa Oye Liverpool festival 2015

05 Africa Oye Liverpool festival 2015

06 Africa Oye Liverpool festival 2015

There were a few singers and it was nice to hear African music.

07  Africa Oye Liverpool festival 2015

08 Africa Oye Liverpool festival 2015

I had a go at playing the drums, it was so engaging and fun. Hubby joined in too.

09 Africa Oye Liverpool festival 2015

10 Africa Oye Liverpool festival 2015

11 Africa Oye Liverpool festival 2015

This is a piece of meteorite that is older than Earth. It was discovered in Argentina and it has a high content of iron. It was quite heavy for its size.

12 Africa Oye Liverpool festival 2015

I couldn’t resist at a real Mr. Whippy ice cream truck.

13 Africa Oye Liverpool festival 2015

The baskets looked so pretty.

14 Africa Oye Liverpool festival 2015

My favourite stall (besides the one with the chickens) was the coconut water. The coconut was slightly overpriced, but it was a festival and it was so nice to drink out of a coconut, freshly cut; so it was worth it.

4 Comment

  1. I bet the atmosphere there was great! I love the colours 🙂 your wellies are really cool! Aw, it’s nice that you and your hubby have all these plans for renovating and sorting out your attic etc.

    1. Thank you xx I hope we’ll be able to finish with the renovations by our 1st home anniversary, in a few months.

  2. What a nice festival! I love the chickens too, they’re so cute! Although coconut water is definitely not something I enjoy 😛 it’s nice to see you had a good time. Playing the drums is really fun as well!

    Julia xx

    1. It was great to play the drums and I’m still thinking of the chickens :)) The coconut water tasted better than the one that can be bought in bottles. Although nice to try, I’m not sure I would buy it again.

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