Celebrations Life

7 years

7 years ago, my husband (back then he was BF) and I moved in together. We were still at university and we have some pretty remarkable memories from that time.


We celebrated 7 years eating a heart-shaped cake and, by night, going to a restaurant to see belly dancing.

I had a perfect garlic mushrooms dish. I love them and hubby loved them too, he said he will get this dish next time. After that dish, I enjoyed stuffed mushrooms and grilled halloumi. My husband got lamb kebab with tahini sauce. He managed to convince me to split a desert (even if I’m on a diet and I already ate cake), but I loved the chocolate cake.

I am a celebrating enthusiast, have lots of things we celebrate and we always do. If I remember the day of … (when one of many things that happened in our lives)… why not celebrate it? Celebrations mean… cake, a special day and a special dinner, presents (depending of the reason we are celebrating) and having fun. My dear readers… be prepared for many celebrations 🙂