Liverpool Travel

Williamson Tunnels

I’ve been to the Williamson Tunnels a few years ago and exactly when the pandemic started I was planning to visit them again, as I was studying the 19th century and these tunnels were built at that time. I only managed to visit them now, as restrictions are lifted and we can go back to visiting indoor attractions.

Williamson Tunnels. Entrance

The tunnels can only be visited as a tour, with a very knowledgeable guide. It is much better like this because the stories are so interesting and the technical details about the tunnels, their purpose, how they are supporting the houses above, and so on, are fascinating.
There is even a ghost story, but not as you might imagine. There is a story about the football club, details on how some items were used, items found in the tunnels when they were dug up. The guide is happy to answer any questions, so feel free to ask.

Williamson Tunnels inside

The guide talked about the tunnels, where they are located, what is known about them before going to explore what can be shown to the public.

New tunnel

They are discovering new tunnels, like this one, but much more work is needed before it can be open to the public. All the digging is done by hand because nobody knows how deep the tunnels are, what’s underneath them, and also there might be important artefacts which need to be removed carefully.


The craftsmanship is incredible, especially for something that was not meant to be seen. I liked so much the stories about Joseph Williamson, a self-made man, with some unusual views, but so important for the local community.


Even though I knew its size, I was still impressed by how high the tunnels are.

In the tunnels


These are some of the findings in the tunnels. Some are very unusual, with a piece of pottery made in China among the rest. That’s quite peculiar.


Another bundle of findings, including some pretty special bottles, like the ones with a curved bottom. They had this unique shape because of what was stored in them, but I’m not going to say more.

Williamson Tunnels

If you visit, please consider giving them a small donation too. The site is run without council funds and so they need all the help they can receive. Check their website for more details.
Williamson Tunnels are opened on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays at this time and booking is required. The price for the tour is £5 for adults. Tours last for around 45 minutes.
The tunnels are on Smithdown Lane, The Old Stableyard, Liverpool, L7 3ED. There is limited on-site parking, but there are some places nearby for free on-road parking for up to 4 hours.

9 Comment

  1. I’ve never heard of these tunnels and they sound fascinating! I think it might make me a little nervous touring them, though. I can definitely understand why they only allow guided tours.
    Kelly recently posted…HOTDOGS A-ZMy Profile

    1. The tunnels are very safe, there is nothing to worry about. Having a guided tour is better though as he told us so many interesting facts about the tunnels, the workers, Williamson, and general history that it would have been a shame to miss these.

  2. There’s something about tunnels, isn’t there? You never know what you might find – we have some in Bath and I’ve been on a couple of tours which were just fascinating. Love the sound of the Williamson Tunnels, Anca, what an incredible feat of engineering!

    1. Yes, tunnels are very intriguing. The Williamson tunnels are exciting because nobody knows how long they are, as there was no map of them made when they were built.

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