London Travel

Emirates Air Line cable car

Emirates Air Line cable car opened in 2012 and it is a must if you want to see London from above. The prices for it differ greatly but the cheapest option is £4 per trip with an Oyster card. If you are visiting London, getting an Oyster card is a must, you can use it for tube and buses and it’s the best value for money when it comes to public transport.

Here are my pictures from an evening trip with the cable car. Enjoy!

Emirates Air Line cable car

 view from cable cars

 view from cable cars

 view from cable cars

 view from cable cars

 view from cable cars

 view from cable cars

 view from cable cars

 view from cable cars

 view from cable cars

6 Comment

  1. I’ve not heard about this before and it looks wonderful! The last time I visited there, the London Eye was all the rage. I would love to do this… both night and day.
    Kelly recently posted…More hummusMy Profile

    1. London Eye still is all the rage, I think. At the same time, if you don’t have issues with heights (as I do), giving it a go is well worth it, especially with the cheap price on Oyster (otherwise it can get to £9 per person). I am curious how it looks in daytime, so I might try it.

  2. Even though I’m very edgy about heights, I think I must do this next time I am there — that’s a view I have never seen and the night shots are fabulous. I might be checking in with you on this one if we make it next fall like I hope.

  3. Amazing night photos. London looks so beautiful from a bird-eye perspective, especially at night and with all the lights. I honestly didn’t know about this Emirates air line cable car option. Thanks for sharing.

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