Challenges Life

Goals for 2024

These are my 2024 goals! They are very much like the ones in 2023 for the large part.

Goals for 2024: Blogs

1. Post regularly. This means all books reviewed on Coffee&Books, a few recipes on CookStyle, and at least 4 posts a month. So, that means 52 posts on ancaslifestyle.

2. Reviews for Vegan or Vegetarian restaurants. Last year I had 6 and blogged about 4, while visiting 5. I will aim for 6 this year too. I will only blog about vegan or vegetarian restaurants, meaning that most places I am going to aren’t mentioned.

3. Reviews. 4 reviews are the target for this year, fewer than last year, when I did 9.

4. Taste the World. I will aim for 4 new recipes for Taste the World, more than last year, but I want to try more recipes from around the world.

5. Read the World. 4 new countries for Read the World, 1 more than last year.

goals for 2024

Goals for 2024: Personal & Travel

1. Sew. This is the goal I set and rarely seem to do. Once again: sew something. It was a failure last year. 😀 This is the last year when I mention this, unless I do finally sew something.

2. Read 89 Books. It seems 89 is the target for me.

3. 3 new flags to the UK map. I am hoping for 3 new flags, the same target as last year.

4. Visit 4 stately homes. I plan to visit 4 stately homes this year and blog about them. Last year were 6 planned and done, but 4 might be a bit more difficult now, that I already visited these places.

5. Visit 6 museums. I had 6 in mind last year, did 8, but only blogged about 7. I will aim again for 6.

6. Go to 4 special exhibitions. The same like last year and I managed to do that.

7 Comment

  1. I’ve been meaning to get my watercolour paints out all this year. And I finally did! (OK it’s June but thats okay). I am halfway through a painting of trees on Hampstead Heath. It is taking hours and hours but I am happy I finally did it because I’m learning more about how watercolours work and how to make them so what I want.

  2. I especially like your travel posts and your reviews of vegan restaurants, even if I know I’ll likely never visit any of them. I also like seeing the museums you visit. I hope it’s a great year!
    Kelly recently posted…This or this? #5My Profile

    1. Thank you very much.
      I have 2 posts planned with our trip to Wales, one of the city and the second one of the vegan options. I want to visit that lovely city again as there are a few things to see & do, but were closed in December.

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