Reviews Sundry

Vegan Kind Lifestyle Box

In the last couple of months I’ve been shopping from the Vegan Kind Supermarket. As I received a discount for their subscription boxes along with one of my orders, I’ve decided to try a month or two. Today I’m sharing my thoughts on the Vegan Kind Lifestyle Box. Next week I will talk about the beauty box. You can get yours from thevegankind if you want to. Prices for a box start at £8 + P&P. The most expensive subscription, the monthly one, is £10 + P&P.

Vegan Kind Lifestyle Box

This is what the box had this month:
The Conscious Candy Company Vegan Fried Egg 70g (RRP £2.25)
Vegums Fish-Free Omega-3 Gummies 30 Gummies/2 week trial 105g (RRP £5.95)
The Curators Cocoa Caramel Peanuts 35g (RRP 1.29)
LoveRaw Cre&m Filled Wafer 43g (RRP £1.69)
The British Crisp Co Cheese & Onion Handcooked Crisps 40g (RRP £0.99)
The Unrefined Bakery Almond Butter Flapjack 50g (RRP £1.65)
Olly’s Multi-seed Pretzel Thins 35g (RRP £0.89)

At just shy of £15 for the contents I can’t say that there is an amazing deal, as the monthly subscription plan is £13.15. But, I didn’t want to get the box to save lots of money, but because I wanted to try things I wouldn’t have bought myself. So, from that point of the view, the box is amazing.

All of us tried the fried egg gummies, including Festus who was so keen on trying one, when he usually ignores us. He knows we almost never give him food from the table, but as he was so delighted and was waiting patiently while being, obviously, very eager, he got a gummy… which he loved.

I am very curious about the fish-free gummies. I noticed them in their online supermarket, but as I rarely remember to take vitamins, I didn’t buy them. So, now, I’m happy to be able to try these.

The snacks – crisps, pretzels, coated peanuts – are very appreciated by my husband and we’ll open these when we are going to watch a movie later on today. Last, but not least, the bars will be equally divided between us. Overall I’m happy with the box, the whole receiving it and opening it makes it a special treat. I am looking forward to receiving the next box next month.

4 Comment

  1. I’d like to try the flapjack and the pretzels. They sound good. I think this would be a great box to share with my family.

  2. I think this is a wonderful idea, for exactly the same reason you stated…. as a way to try things you wouldn’t normally buy.

    I’m glad Festus got to have a little taste, too. 🙂

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