Emma Bridgewater factory tour

I find very interesting a factory tour of a working factory. Even though I’m not a huge fan of Emma’s designs, I feel they are a little too colourful for us, I find them very cute. So, a short trip to Stoke on Trent to see her factory was something I’ve wanted to do. The […]

My boy in the garden

My boy is having fun in the garden. I’m so happy we’ve decided to start with the garden and now he can play on the grass. On our daily walks, we’ve seen that we’ll be in walking distance from a new park. On the board explaining the project is mentioned the deadline: Spring 2015. Isn’t […]

Everyday life as a fit person

This past 2 months I’ve felt quite often the difference between being fit&strong and not being able to lift a few pounds. I have the same weight as 7 years ago, but back then I wasn’t as fit and surely not as strong as today. A couple of weeks after we’ve got married, the paperwork […]

Lawn update

In the middle of September I sow grass seeds hoping it will be enough time for the grass to grow before moving in. It was tricky sowing so late and only a couple of days after removing the concrete slabs. The soil is not the best and it was another issue to worry about. We’ve […]

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Buying property

As I mentioned in the post Put the Kettle on top, we are moving in our new house in a few weeks. This is not the first property we buy, the first one was a flat (we’ve finalized the paperwork a couple of weeks after the wedding: that is a 1st year of marriage test […]

How I met my husband

It was a cold morning, 5.30 am and I was waiting in the train station. A day before the Uni had started, but I thought it’s a good time for a couple of days off to go on a trip. In an unexpected way, for me, I arrived earlier to the station, have no idea […]