Reviews Restaurants & Pubs England Travel

The Bull Pub, Malpas

For my birthday, my husband and I went to The Bull Pub, Malpas for lunch. We had a big breakfast, so we only took some starters and a side dish to share. I loved the food so much that I want to go back and sample more. Their vegetarian range is amazing. The prices are good too, we’ve spent around £20 on the food and coffee. More information about them on their website.

The Bull Pub Malpas, from outside

The Bull Pub is located just outside Malpas, in the rural hamlet of Shocklach. The Victorian pub, dates from 1850. From what I saw on their website, dogs are allowed inside too. The pub is child friendly and we saw a couple of families with small children having their lunch.

Table, picture with a horse and the fireplace beside them

We ordered what we wanted and went to sit at the table. I took advantage and took pictures from inside the pub. Some of the pictures I took on our way out, when the tables were free.

Beautiful cups of coffee on the table

The coffee arrived fast in these cute cups. I told my husband as soon as I saw them that I need a couple of cups like this.

View of the road and field with horses

I picked a lovely table beside the window, only after that to see the horse I fed earlier. There is a picture of the horse in the post about my birthday.

Decor at the Bull Pub Malpas

The decor at the pub is lovely. I will share a lot of pictures with the pub, so you can see for yourself.

Starters and side dishes

The food arrived. We ordered Cheese Fondue, fries, and mushroom rarebit. The cheese foundue arrived in a squash.

Cheese fondue in a squash

It was amazing. A cheesy rich sauce to dip bread and fries. I think that is the perfect birthday treat. We shared the food. I loved the mushroom rarebit too. The mushrooms were cooked beautifully, still having a bite.

I was very pleased with the food, and the service too. The waiter was so lovely and friendly, smiling and making sure we are happy with everything.

The fireplace with a basket of wood beside it

As I mentioned, there are a few pictures from inside the pub. The pub is much larger than is visible in these pictures.

High table with beautiful lamps over it

The bar at the Bull Pub Malpas

Tables at the entrance in the pub

Picture from inside the Bull Pub Malpas

To get to the Bull Pub, Malpas with the car, use the post code. We had issues when we tried to find the pub. Their address is Worthenbury Road, Shocklach, Malpas, Cheshire, SY14 7BL. There is a big car park in the back and some outdoor sitting too, if you visit the pub in the summer.

5 Comment

  1. Hope you had a wonderful birthday!
    As a vegetarian too I love the thought of this dish, nice to have something exciting as quite often veggie pub food can be boring. I’ll have to visit for lunch and take my doggies.

  2. You really cant bean good pub food – the cheese fondue sounds delicious, and the idea of serving it in squash is pretty fun!

  3. We actually drive past Malpas when we go home to Shropshire, so I should definitely check out this pub sometime. The cheese fondue sounds lovely!

    Happy belated birthday!

  4. This looks like such a lovely place! I’ve never seen fondue served in a squash before!

    Sarah 🙂

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