Manchester Travel

Staircase House

Staircase House is a Grade II* listed medieval building, from 1460, in Stockport, Greater Manchester. It’s been a long time since we visited an indoor museum, which was so usual for us before the pandemic.

Staircase House

Usually an audio guide is available, but not now due to covid measures they are taking. A bookguide is only £1 and worth getting. It has lovely pictures and details about the house.


The tour starts at ground level and it goes through time to the 1940s. It is very well created and interesting.


Details of Wall

From the viewing platform we could see these details of the wall. It shows how the house evolved throughout the centuries.

Store room

The store room has lots of interesting bits. This is how high the room is. My husband is tall, but the room is small and he had to duck because the beams were just about my height.


Isn’t this lamp splendid? I like the shadows it creates on the walls and ceiling.


There are a few of these dotted around the rooms on the ground floor.


This is the linen chamber with a bed. There was some cloth production in the 16th century in Stockport.


This doll is a 17th century replica. Some dolls were excavated at the site.

Tallow candles

Tallow candles put on display in the tallow room. These too were used in 17th century.

Dowry Room

The house has a Dowry room because it was, at one point, a dower house. Mary Shallcross lived in this house after her husband died in 1618 until her death in 1652.


Viewing platform

This is the viewing platform I mentioned before. It’s so very interesting.

17th century Parlour

The 17th century Parlour was used very much by the Shallcross family.


This gives the name to the house, the rare Jacobean cage-newel staircase. It’s gorgeous and so beautifully restored. It’s quite incredible.

17th century bed

The 17th century bed is lovely too. I like the curtains very much. It just shows how colourful the decorations were at that point.

18th century dining room

The dining room is 18th century. The difference between the 17th and 18th century is so interesting to see, this is why I took a picture of the door between these two rooms.

Door between the 18th century and 17th century

 Door to the 19th century Parlour

The 19th century Parlour is as it would have been in the 1820s. The floor is so uneven.

19th century Parlour

I just love this little cupboard in the wall, very neat and tidy.

19th century Parlour

See the curb of the floor? It was noticeable when we were in the room too.

20th century bedroom

The tour ends with the 1940 bedroom, which, for me, was the most boring the house. There were a lot of gadgets but it lacked the craftsmanship of the previous centuries.

Staircase House is only £5 for adults. You can visit it Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 10am to 5pm. The address is 30/31 Market Place, Stockport, SK1 1ES. There isn’t a car park on site, but there are plenty in walking distance.

8 Comment

  1. What a lovely house to visit. I’d love to learn about its story throughout the years – well, the centuries!
    It’s so nice to be able to visit indoors museums again. Thank you for sharing this with us Anca 🙂
    Hope your summer is going well so far!

    Julia x

  2. We too, haven’t really visited any indoor museums since Covid hit, although being NT members, we always used to enjoy going around the houses and churches, as much as the grounds and gardens.

    Once the children are all back in school, I’m sure I shall feel much better about things and life will return to some kind of ‘normal’

    Dave is now back in the office two days a week, so that’s a big step forward for us.

    I particularly admire the staircase and Dave has quite a collection of ‘door’ pictures, so there would be plenty in this one building for both of us!

    I am pleased that you enjoyed your outing and have a good week! 🙂

    1. It must be strange to go back to a kind of normal, with office-days and at-home-days. We’ve been NT members too, but not any more, as we are thinking of joining up somewhere else.

  3. Staircase House seems like a great place to visit. It was lovely seeing all the rooms. I did notice the curbs in the floor. The curtains on the 17 century bed are absolutely lovely. I love how colourful they are. Thank you for taking us along. The viewing platform is very interesting. My favourite part of the house is the Jacobean wood staircase. The wood engravings are so intricate and beautiful.
    Ivana Split recently posted…BOOK REVIEW: THE GREENHOUSE ( Rosa Candida/ Afleggjarinn) by Auður Ava ÓlafsdóttirMy Profile

    1. I was thinking of that when I wrote the post. In 1460 the continent of America was not even discovered by Europeans, well again, because the Vikings did discover it before.
      Those stairs are so beautiful.

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