
December 2023

In December I finished my first term at Oxford and we went back home to Liverpool. It was a busy month, as usual, but we had pretty lovely time nevertheless. I read a lot this month, for my studies, as I have a few deadlines in early January. This helped me reach the number on […]

Christmas gifts

Christmas 2023

Christmas 2023, a quick update from me detailing the gifts and food we had. I will start with the gifts. These are mine. I love the marble chess, it was bought from an antique shop. I noticed it in the window and my husband went to buy it a few days later. We are picking […]

Pen Dinas Hill Fort

Pen Dinas Hill Fort

Pen Dinas Hill Fort is a touristic attraction in Aberystwyth. It is a large Iron Age hillfort. Some excavations took place in the 1930s, but only limited. The first fort was abandoned and a new one was made around 300 BCE. There are some prehistoric houses still visible nearby. Enjoy the pictures!

after dark

November 2023

I was so busy with the end of the term that I didn’t have the time to write this post in the last day of the month as I usually do. I will change the date to November in a couple of weeks. I finished the first term at Oxford and I’m very happy with […]

Didcot railway

Didcot Railway Centre

Didcot railway is a lovely museum/tourist attraction in Oxfordshire. It is home to over 200 years of railway heritage. There are two stations, a transfer shed, a locomotive turntable, the engine shed, air raid shelter, a museum, gift shop, and refreshment room. The refreshment room has vegan options, including main and dessert. The gift shop […]

Wallingford castle

Wallingford Castle

Wallingford Castle was built in the 11th century, starting in 1067 on the direct instructions of William the Conqueror. After 2 centuries the castle was expanded. In early 1500s it was inherited by the future Henry VIII. During the Civil War the castle was a Royalist stronghold. Recognizing the potential danger it could cause, Cromwell’s […]


Hellfire Caves

The Hellfire Caves are known as West Wycombe Caves due to its location near the village with the same name. These caves are a network of man-made chalk and flint caverns which extend 260m underground. The caves were excavated in the mid-1700s. They served as a location for the Hellfire Club, which was established a […]


Wallingford fireworks

This year for Bonfire night we went to see the Walingford fireworks display. I was so impressed by everything. There were 3 bonfires and 2 fireworks displays. The bonfires started at about 6 and people, looked like thousands, could walk around, buy some food and drinks. We found some vegan hot dogs, so it was […]


October 2023

This was a very busy month, with us moving to Oxford for my studies. I only had time to read 2 books and visit 3 places, we went twice to London and Liverpool. I’m enjoying the crazy schedule, but I have to admit at first it was a bit overwhelming. I have things scheduled almost […]