Books & Study Life

My TBR List #2

It’s time for my TBR List #2. From the first list, back in January, I read almost all of the books. One is still unopened and from another one I read a few chapters. I will finish it at some point, but the chapters were related to what I was studying then.

My TBR List #2

This time I’ve made a short list of books I plan to read. Because I will start my third and last term at the history course I’m doing next week, I made a very short list. I have lots of books I plan to read from for the studies, but I am not sure that I will finish them. Most likely I will read a few chapters, so I decided not to include these books in the reading list.

Instead I talked about books I’m sure I will read in the next couple of months. As usual, it is a mix of books bought by me, borrowed from the library, and some review copies. The review copies are marked with a *. I did not include any fiction books, as I’ve started reading one yesterday and it’s very unlikely that I will read another one in the near future.

My TBR List #2. List of books:

Papillon by Henri Charrière is a memoir I bought recently, after seeing the movie with the same name. It’s about Charrière’s experience as a prisoner in a French colony and how he tried and managed to escape. I am looking forward to reading it because the movie was amazing.

I am very excited by The Pioneering Life of Mary Wortley Montagu by Jo Willett*, as I will take part in a book tour. It’s been a while since I was involved in a book tour.

The Anglo-Soviet Alliance by Colin Turbett* is a review copy for a book published last month and it’s also a book that I think it is pertinent to my studies. I started with the introduction and I will finish it by next week, that’s for sure.

I bought Tomorrow Will Be A Good Day by Tom Moore last year and I always planned to read it at this point, just before I’m starting to study about the WWII.

Maiden voyages: women and the golden age of transatlantic travel by Sian Evans is a library book and I am very curious to read about the role women played in this industry.

Lastly, another library book, Narrative economics by Robert Shiller is the odd one out from this list, but also inline with what I usually read, a mix of topics.

What books do you plan to read next? Are you curious about any of the books I mentioned in my list?

7 Comment

  1. From your current stash I’ve only read Papillon, and that was quite a long time ago, in Russian translation. I’ve seen the original film, but not the remake. Mary Wortley Monatgu’s biography sounds fascinating, I know of her, but haven’t read a biography. Will look forward to your thoughts.

    1. The new film is well done, I enjoyed it a lot. I am very keen on Mary’s biography too, can’t wait to start reading it.

  2. There were two versions of Papillon, one made in 1973 (with Steve McQueen and Dustin Hoffman) and a remake in 2017 (with Charlie Hunnam and Rami Malek). Which one did you watch? It’s been years since I saw the first (so I don’t remember much about it), but I really enjoyed the more recent one.
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    1. The one with Charlie Hunnam. I loved him in Sons of Anarchy and he was great in Papillon too. Rami Malek played really great too.

  3. I’m interesting in learning about women who played a role in Transatlantic travel as well. Narrative Economics also sounds like an interesting book to read.

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