Europe Travel


We arrived at the hotel a bit late, so by the time we were ready to go out it was nearly closing time. We went to Vgloso, a lovely vegan restaurant in mainland Venice. The staff was so friendly and accommodating. They said that we can dine in even if it goes over the closing time, which was about in 45 minutes, as it will be more comfortable for us. So, instead of going to take away we decided to stay in for dinner.

Vgloso - interior

Because we stayed a few minutes over the closing time I could take a picture of the interior without disturbing any other guests. It was quite busy for a weekday, which is understandable considering how good the food is.

Pasta at Vgloso

We both wanted pasta, because it’s Italy, so pasta is a sort of a must. My husband picked pici with a carbonara sauce. I went for penne with algae sauce. I had algae sauce before at an Italian restaurant in London, which I love, and I wasn’t disappointed at all, the dish was delicious.

We also had drinks, but no dessert because it was late and we didn’t want to take too much of their time. It was a great meal in a wonderful location and I would gladly visit them again.


As many vegan restaurants in Italy, this one too is focused on healthy alternatives. Their menu is also gluten free, while, of course, I’m not saying that gluten is unhealthy. For example, when it comes to drinks, they also offer pressed juice and smoothies.

Vgloso is on Viale Ancona, 10a, 30172 Venezia.

2 Comment

  1. Venice is the only place I’ve visited from your recent Italy trip. Of course there was nothing like this there at the time. It sounds like a wonderful place. I would be interested in the algae sauce. I use to cook with culinary algae oil a lot, but then it got really hard to find during Covid, so I’ve quit searching for it.
    Kelly recently posted…Ponderings #34My Profile

    1. Algae oil sounds interesting, that’s something I’d love to try. 🙂 I use nori sheets for fish&chips, I also bought dried grinded algae, as a condiment, but I think it would have been easier and cheaper to use seaweed thins. I love those too.
      I might try to make a recipe for pasta with nori&seaweed thins, but now we are re-doing the kitchen, so I don’t think it’s an option. :))

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