Books & Study Life

My TBR List #4

My TBR List #4 is the last for this year. I read all but one book from the previous TBR updates, which is great. There are only 7 books in this list, but I have a lot to read for the seminars, from 300 pages to 500+ pages weekly, so I don’t want to make long lists that are not realistic. I am also going to read books that I receive as review copies and other books relating (or not) to the studies.

My TBR List #4

This time my reading list is heavily influenced by the modules I study right now at university. One book is a review copy, marked with *, which is the odd one out. The others are either relevant to my studies or recommended by my tutor, including the fiction books. I am looking forward to reading these books.

My TBR List #4. List of books:

A fiction book, Snow by Orhan Pamuk can be considered a classic book, a reflection on modern Turkey.

Orientalism by Edward Said is a must read for my studies. I read about 40 pages from it, extracts for my seminar, and I want to read more. The concept of orientalism and what triggered the writing of this book is equally important. After 30 years, the book is still relevant today.

My Uncle Napoleon by Iraj Pezeshkzad is a social and political satire set in 1940s Tehran, described by my tutor as “every Iranian’s favourite novel”, so I couldn’t miss this one.

The Open Door by Latifa al-Zayyat is about women’s lives in 1960s Egypt and it is heavily inspired by the author’s life. It is a novel though.

Wrote by my tutor, The Emergence of Iranian Nationalism: Race and the Politics of Dislocation by Reza Zia-ebrahimi, is the book I am most eager to read. I always get (usually buy) books written by my tutors, especially if they are relevant to the course I’m doing, but not necessarily.

I am reading Warrior by Jack Seely at the moment, I started it after I took this picture. It is a wonderful book and, by coincidence, works nicely with something we are going to discuss at a seminar next week.

Sex and Sexuality in Ancient Rome by L J Trafford* should be a fascinating read, as it will deal with sexuality in the pre-Christian era. I am looking forward to reading this one.

What books do you plan to read next? Have you read any of the books I mentioned in this round-up?

9 Comment

  1. Wow — what an interesting and diverse reading pile. I think you’ll have plenty on your plate with all those!

    I’m finishing Tracy Chevalier’s book about the borderers of Winchester Cathedral, though it’s more fiction about one character than about embroidery. After that, the new Louise Penny and a couple more mysteries and who knows what else. A friend just sent me a big box! I just finished Mary S. Lovell’s “The Riviera Set” about life on the French Riviera post WWI through the 50s or so. Fascinating.

  2. I confess I haven’t read any of the books on your TBR list. My uncle Napoleon sounds intriguing. Have you ever read Reading Lolita in Tehran? It’s about the Iranian women before and after the revolution.
    I think Warrior would be my first choice from your stash. And maybe My uncle Napoleon too.

    1. I am very curious about that book too. I wonder how liberal and tolerant were the Romans when it came to sex, I imagine that it might even a bit more liberal than we are today.

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