England Travel

A day in Cambridge

After a day in Oxford, I wanted to go to Cambridge too. It’s beautiful. I wanted to see Trinity College, obviously, I loved the movie The Theory of Everything and I watched a few documentaries with Stephen Hawking, like Brave New World and Grand Design.

01 Cambridge

02 Cambridge

Cambridge has a different feel to Oxford, I can’t explain why. I preferred it, while hubby prefers Oxford. There were hundreds if not thousands of tourists and I wasn’t expecting that considering it is October.

03 Cambridge

We couldn’t visit any college as they were closed or the queues were very long.

04 Cambridge

I was able to have a look around Great St. Mary’s Church. The church was built in 1205, destroyed by fire in 1291, rebuilt, a new nave was made in 1475. In 1519 the church is complete and in 1609 the tower is completed too. In 1679 a dial is placed outside the tower and 20 years later an Organ is installed. In 1735 the north and south galleries are installed and in 1793 a new clock is installed. In 1863 the church is re-ordered to its present appearance. In 1908 the parish is united with St. Michael and in 2002 the Michaelhouse centre is opened. 800+ years of history, this is something that I always find amazing.

05 Cambridge

06 Cambridge

07 Cambridge
Trinity College

08 Cambridge

09 Cambridge

10 Cambridge

My husband and I had a laugh with the punting offers we kept hearing even before getting to the river. I understood bunting and I was sure they weren’t offering that, so I was replying a very polite “no, thank you” every time. My husband didn’t pay attention to what they were saying, as he was taking pictures and he couldn’t make it clear for me. So finally I discovered it was punting, a sort of a boat that is pushed on the river with long sticks and not a small flags DIY session. It was funny.

11 Cambridge

12 Cambridge

After visiting Cambridge, we stopped at a vegetarian restaurant called Rainbow Cafe that is opposite King’s College.

13 Cambridge

14 Cambridge

We had quite a big lunch, so we’ve decided to share a plate of tacos and it was a very good idea as the portion was big, too much for me by myself. The taco shells were stuffed with three bean chilli, served on rice with cheese on top and a salad. The food was delicious, I liked it a lot.

15 Cambridge
We had a coffee and a tea and our day in Cambridge was over.

16 Cambridge

Well, this is how much space hubby had to park the car. This is how all the parking lots looked like, so it was pointless to search for another one. In case you are wondering, he got out through the back door, as it was impossible to open any of the front doors. The car on the right was basically on 2 parking spots.

2 Comment

  1. i love that you love Cambridge, beautiful city! I have just graduated from here and throughout October is our graduation month so that would be why there are so many tourists!
    Glad you had a lovely day x

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