Everyday life Life

8 Good things

Apparently this week I was mad about food, by looking at the picture, although my good list includes other topics too.

1. Cozy nights in. Living in our own house, again, changed slightly the way we feel when we relax in the evenings at home. I’m much more relaxed knowing that there isn’t any chance that the owner will decide to sell the house or the agency will show up for a home check when we are not in. We have our own “safe haven” and it’s special.

2. Hubby and the dog. I can write about them in every “good things” blog. It’s not like they are perfect, sometimes hubby doesn’t agree with me, sometimes the dog will bark at the TV. But, every single day they are doing something that makes me smile or happy, so I have to mention them. I can’t really say something specific, is just the way they make me feel.

3. Avocado oil. I found a small shop in Manchester with healthy produce and bought a bottle of avocado oil. I love trying new things, especially when it’s something to eat. It was the first time I’ve seen this type of oil and I had to try it. It has a nice taste and I think is perfect for tomato salad.

4. Greens. This week we had dinner at Greens and I loved it. You can read about it here if you missed the blog.

5. Amazing eclairs made by hubby. I’ve wanted salted caramel eclairs for some time. Hubby is an expert of making choux, so he made them for me this week. I have pictures and I’m going to post the recipe. They were so yummy!

6. TKMaxx. I’ve got 3 baking trays at a great price from TKMaxx and they fit perfectly in the fan oven. I’m so happy, can’t wait to bake a lot. I also got some other bits&pieces, like purple nail polish.

7. Hot chocolate. I made some hot chocolate and it was lovely. Hubby had the idea to make meringue, add some peaks on the chocolate and just cooked it a bit with the blow torch. Yum!

8. My work. I have the perfect job, I enjoy so much what I’m doing. It was a very very very busy week, with little time for something else and finished tasks even at 9-10 pm. But I love what I’m doing, so skipping some meals and workouts worth in the end.

When you are reading this, I’m in Harrogate, attending The Small Animal Show. I’m as excited as a 5 years old kid… but I never went to small animal shows as a kid, so it’s understandable đŸ™‚ Probably I’ll post a lot of pictures about it tomorrow. In the meantime, I can only hope that I’m not deemed too old for the petting corner.

4 Comment

  1. Cosy nights in with hot chocolate are my favourite. They get me through the winter months.

    By the way, I noticed you are going to the NW blogger meet up next month. Me too! Yay, see you there. đŸ™‚

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