Everyday life Life

March 2023

March was a busy month, with commuting to London for my studies. I still have 4 assignments (including my dissertation), so April will be extra busy too. I took a lot of pictures from where we visited, that I will share in the next days. I was very busy and couldn’t photoshop and write the posts for them, so Wellcome Collection and Whitechapel Gallery will follow. I did blog about 2 locations that I will highlight in this post.

Kyiv Road

I did take the time to go and see Kyiv Road, placed there on the anniversary of the full-scale invasion. It’s beautiful. I can only hope the nearby St. Petersburgh road will be renamed to something more suitable… like Taras Shevchenko.


First of all though, let’s start with Cream.Dream. It is a wonderful vegan cafe opened by an Ukrainian refugee, staffed with refugees. Upstairs can be reserved for events. The walls are beautifully decorated with paintings by Ukrainians that can be purchased too.
The desserts are made by a patisserie chef who was trained in France. Check my post in the link above to see how amazing those desserts look like, with lots of layers. The tea is Ukrainian too.


Still with food, the ones on the left are homemade and the ones on the right are from vegan places. Benji’s buns are so good, I love them and also love the story of Benji. I also had to go to Neat for those amazing tater tots. We made sushi at home a couple of times and it’s really good. Also, the burger on the left is one of those huge mushrooms, really good and low in calories too.


I also tried REDEFINE MEAT! It’s 3D printed meat and it was the most realistic thing I ever had. It took a bit of getting used to and I only continued eating it because I had it at Unity Diner, a vegan place with strong moral values. Otherwise I would have thought they served me meat by mistake. This is something I would have again, but only at vegan places or at home.
I would suggest to anyone to try this, it’s a testament to our ingenuity, the things we see in SCI-FI movies.


This month we’ve been to the Charterhouse. It is a 400+ years old almshouse that is still housing Brothers, in central London. It is a gem and visiting it helps the conservation of the historic house, so do consider stopping by for a fascinating 1h tour.


We had plenty of walks in London.


Earlier this week I finished a book about Kitty Wilkinson and as yesterday it was a sunny day and I went to the library to get more books, I thought it would be nice to have a walk and go to Liverpool Cathedral.


In the park just besides the cathedral is her tomb, displayed in a prominent position. She is also commemorated in the Lady Chapel entrance. As a 19th-century poor Irish migrant, her story is incredible. I passed by her tomb and stained glass window, but didn’t realise how important she was.


1. Vegan steaks. 2. L’pool. 3. Fun youtube movies, by Space Ice. 4. Daily smoothie. 5. Homemade sushi. 6. Liverpool at night, view from the library. 7. Flats at Battersea Power Station. 8. Cream dream, London. 9. National Art Gallery. 10. Everton Waterworks. 11. Watching Crufts. 12. Yarn bombing. 13. Taking pictures at Lime Street Station for the book I read. 14. Mushroom burger. 15. Seaweed thins with almonds. 16. Flower in my garden. 17. Celebrating with lunch at The Vibe, before going for drinks. 18. Walk. 19. Puzzle. 20. Benji’s buns. 21. Harrods. 22. Kyiv Road. 23. At the pub, watching England beat Italy 2-1. 24. Desserts at Cream.Dream. 25. My garden. 26. Boat race (unfortunately Oxford teams didn’t win this year). 27. Walk. 28. Baguette-pizza. 29. Dreaming of cake (picture from the following day). 30. Stained glass window commemorating Kitty Wilkinson. 31. Books in March.


I read 8 books in March, all good. The lowest rating was for Agatha Christie’s book because the ending was so poor. I would have given the book 5 stars if it wasn’t for the last few pages.

I liked and I would recommend all the books, but depending on the subject, some are more interesting that others. The Ingenious Victorians would be a good read for anybody, very nicely written, not dry at all and filled with drawings and pictures which makes the subjects come to life.

Books I read in March:
Chess for Dummies by James Eade – 5 stars
Female innovators who changed our world by Emma Shimizu – 4 stars
The Liverpool and Manchester Railway by Anthony Dawson – 5 stars
Lady of the House by Charlotte Furness – 4 stars
A Daughter’s a Daughter by Agatha Christie – 3 stars
The Life And Times Of Kitty Wilkinson by Michael Kelly – 4 stars
Imagining Roman Britain by Virginia Hoselitz – 5 stars
The Ingenious Victorians by John Wade – 5 stars

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8 Comment

  1. Cream Dream looks like a wonderful place to visit ā€“ those desserts look delicious. The Charterhouse looks interesting. Iā€™d never heard of Kitty Wilkinson before so had to look her up on Wikipedia. Her story certainly is incredible. Will have to add the book about her to my reading list. Lady of the House sounds like a good read too. #project365

    1. Thank you. xx
      I might make a post about Redefine Meat (it’s just the issue with time these days). It’s so realistic and unusual. I think everybody should try it just because is so SCI-FI, something imagined a few decades ago. As a vegan, it was so realistic that I had some issues with it in the beginning, but I would have that again, without any doubt.

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