Reviews Sundry Style

Nine to Five Heels

I mentioned that I wear only heels and trainers. I was delighted when I was asked to try the Nine to Five Heels insoles*. I can walk in heels, but if a pair of insoles can make them more comfortable, I would like to take advantage of it.

01 Nine to Five Heels insoles

This insoles are specially designed for making high heels more comfortable. Nine to Five Heels is a British company and the insoles are manufactured here. This is always a plus for me, as I try to buy local as much as I can. When I received the parcel and I saw the packaging I thought I can buy a pair for my mother, as they can be a nice present for her. I had to wait before trying them as I wanted to go for a longer walk. I used them with boots that are comfortable anyway, but I still saw a difference. I was pleasantly surprised.

02 Nine to Five Heels insoles
I tried them with shoes and they seem comfortable. I didn’t walk that much as the weather kept me from trying the insoles with shoes for a longer walk.

The insoles have a lovely minty scent and they can and should be washed. After washing them, they kept their beautiful smell. I would definitely recommend them. I think they are great for a night out. I will take the insoles with me on my next trade show, as there I stand and walk in high heels from 9 to 5, or more likely from 8 to 6-7.

Nine to Five Heels have an offer at the moment on their website, if you fancy getting a pair or two.

*I received the Nine to Five Heels insoles to try them. All opinions are my own and I wouldn’t recommend them if I wouldn’t think your feet would love them.

6 Comment

  1. I can’t wear heels at all but I imagine these are a god send for those who do
    Thanks for linking up with #LIML

  2. These look great – I’ve tried lots of different insoles but have yet to find a pair that really does the job. Might have to give these a go! 🙂 #LIML

  3. I’m not much of a heels girl, but when I do I often find that they’re uncomfortable. These would probably help, I’ll have to check them out. x

  4. These are so great! I find it hard to wear heels all day but slip those babies in and you can go! 🙂

  5. I only wear certain heels that I know are comfy! I’ve never tried anything like this!

    Corinne x

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