
LightNight at home

I wasn’t sure if I should talk about LightNight at home. I loved going to LightNight each year, but, as we are still in a sort of a lockdown, they organized it online. It sounded lovely, but, in fact, it was not much to see online. The main museums in Liverpool didn’t do anything, at least not on Facebook, where we looked. It was a bit of a missed opportunity, as they could have shown us some items on display or give us a tour of the museum, while closed, something like the Museums in Quarantine on BBC4. Regardless, we had some cocktails, snacks, and watched movies after checking what was online for LightNight at home.

LightNight at home
sorry about the mess, we are in the process of renovating the living room

Highlights from LightNight at home:
The Living Planet on Fact
a few short clips on Liverpool Samba School’s FB page
The Singh Twins’ ‘Liverpool 800: The changing face of Liverpool’, on display in the Heritage Centre at St George’s Hall, Liverpool. I can’t wait to see it in person
My Home is My Museum

Pretty much that’s it. I hope that next year we are going to go again to LightNight, as we used to go in the past.

2 Comment

  1. Well, better than nothing, right? I’ve been enjoying lots of historic homes and virtual museum tours.

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