Wavertree Botanic Gardens

In Wavertree, Liverpool there is a small botanic garden that looks beautiful. We live close by and visit it quite often. I’ll let the pictures to speak for themselves.


18th may was Light Night in Liverpool. We were able to see a lot of the venues opened for this event, but we didn’t took pictures every time. We started with a small display of cardboard houses on Albert Dock. It wasn’t very impressive. At F.A.C.T. we admired the exhibition “Robots and Avatars”. The huge […]

Her Majesty The Queen

The Queen celebrates 60 years as Monarch in 2012. Her Majesty The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh visited Liverpool today as part of the Diamond Jubilee tour. I was so excited when I’ve read the news that they will come here as part of their tour. I’m a monarchist and I was upset I […]

Pippin, the Owl

In the city center I saw once a bird of prey handler, so every weekend when we go in the center we have the camera with us. This Saturday we were lucky and I saw the same handler again. This time he had a different owl with him. The first time I could hold Willow […]

Palm House

Palm House was constructed in 1896, as a gift from Henry Yates Thompson to the City. It was designed by an Edinburgh firm, in the tradition of Paxton’s glass houses and was stocked originally with a rich collection of exotic plants. At the beginning of World War 2 the building had been camouflaged in case […]

Election, anniversary

On 3rd it was election day and hubby and I exercised our right to vote. After carefully considerations and a lot of discussions, we decided who should have our vote. I know here there aren’t ID’s, but, nevertheless, it’s strange to vote without one, just saying my name and address. The voting is different too, […]

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The Hardman House

or 59 Rodney Street Edward Chambré Hardman was a renowned portrait photographer. The house he and his wife Margaret lived in for 40 years is a museum now. Almost all of the rooms are opened for public, the cluttered living quarters and the spacious business rooms. He was born in 1898 in Ireland, the son […]