England Travel

Walk in the Lake District

After a very busy week, in the last two days we had a bit of time off and we took advantage to go for a walk in the Lake District on Saturday. We were part of a tour and I had my mask on for the whole 3 hours, including when we climbed on top of the hill. Unfortunately my husband and I were the only ones wearing masks. While is not a requirement, I don’t see any reason for not wearing one outside if we are interacting with other people. I might not be in the risk category, but others are. Our tour was around Crooklands, on the Lancaster Canal, going on the route of the old gunpowder works.
On Sunday we went to Knowsley Safari Park, so in a couple of days I’m going to share pictures from there. But, until then, I hope you enjoy a snippet of the Lake District.

walk in the lake district



swans sleeping

The swans were sleeping peacefully on the other side.


stone fence





This fast river was very useful in the 19th century as it powered different mills, including the gunpowder works and a corn mill.




There were some gorgeous views from the top.


This is a panorama, you can click on it to see it bigger.

5 Comment

  1. This is an area I want to visit next time I’m in England. I agree on the mask. At Michigan State there is a rule you have to wear masks inside and outside, which I suppose means unless you are totally alone and no others around.

  2. Wonderful views! Love the dry stone wall images, very atmospheric. Sorry to hear you felt uncomfortable with people not wearing masks. Did they think they were distanced enough from everyone else?

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