England Travel

The Centre for Computing History

The Centre for Computing History is a museum in Cambridge, which is a must see for everybody, as we are all using computers in our everyday lives. I found it fascinating. Enjoy the pictures I selected from the museum.

The Centre for Computing History

First of all, do check their website. I love the old look of it, it’s very clever. The museum is on Rene Court Coldhams Road Cambridge CB1 3EW. There is a car park. Entry fee is £10 with a discount for students and special prices for children. They have a small cafe and a gift shop as well.

computer from Ukraine

There are over a thousand computers on display, including this one from Ukraine and the one below, from France. I love that bright red colour of the computer and its unusual shape.


display room

There are a few rooms in the museum, each dedicated to another part of computing. It was very interesting.

floppy disk

These floppy disks were in a very special display room, which recreated a 1970s office, that you can see below.



This is how technology evolved in the last decades.


Now we think of mice as something natural, some even do not use them any more, but it was a revolutionary idea when it was made. I am using a mouse daily.

I think this is a lovely museum, it takes about 2 hours to see properly, but it can be done in an hour if selecting where to spend the time reading and engaging with the items on display. It’s a memory lane for people who used these old computers and a learning opportunity for those who are too young to know what a floppy disk is.

4 Comment

  1. I think this would be a fun place to visit. My first personal computer (early to mid-80s) was a Commodore 64 and I used a small TV for a monitor. Things have definitely come a long way since then! I just got a new laptop last month and it’s lighter and sleeker than ever. Since I actually use it in my lap, I prefer the touchpad to a mouse.
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    1. It’s impressive how much the laptops have changed. Although I would have liked a more creative design, all look pretty much the same unless they are for gaming, making them too heavy.

      I still use a mouse as I need it for things like Photoshop and it’s easier to select from pdfs, at least for me.

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