England Travel

St Albans

I’m sharing pictures from St. Albans. I’ve been there before, but this time we spent a bit more time there, so I’ve made a highlights-kind of post. We visited 2 museums and went to the nunnery, where the pictures of the ruins are from. Also the Clock Tower in the centre was a must-see and the views from above are really lovely. Besides, by chance, we went to the vegan market on a Sunday and got lots of goodies. I bought cosmetics and food. It was a really good event, with a lot of different stalls, great diversity.

Last time I blogged about this lovely city was back in 2018, here are the highlights from then.

Enjoy the picture!

St Albans from above

St Albans from above

St Albans from above

St Albans from above


Clock tower

street near the Clock tower

row of houses

row of houses



museum display

museum display

display in the museum

rooms in the museum

Roman key rings

room in the museum




Assembly room


Vegan market

stalls in the vegan market

5 Comment

  1. Ooh, I’ve never visited those museums! They look exciting! I have performed at St Albans Abbey with the Hatfield Philharmonic orchestra but never explored though I did visit the shops!

  2. What a charming city! I love the clock tower and those mosaic floors are exquisite. The bones, as well. The aerial views are especially interesting and give a good scope of it all! The museums look fascinating, too.

  3. It looks like you had a gorgeous day weather-wise! I love the ruins and the clock tower. Browsing the vegan market would have been fun, too. Do those bones belong to anyone in particular or are they just a random skeleton?

    Thanks for sharing the link to the earlier post, as well.
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    1. In St. Albans it rained every morning for a week (or so it seemed), but by 10-11 it was nice and clear. 🙂

      The bones are of a Roman man, in his 50s. The lead coffin was beautifully decorated, it’s the one that appears in the picture. Romans were generally cremated, so he must have been of a high social status to have a lead coffin like this.
      They also have a man and a woman in matching coffins, so they must have been married.

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