Manchester Travel

Imperial War Museum, Manchester

Although Manchester is close to us, we didn’t visit the museums as we tend to go further on our road trips or days out. Finally we went to see the Imperial War Museum and I like it. I should say I liked most of it, as you’ll see at the end of the post. The museum is very interesting and has a lot of fascinating exhibits on display. The building looks great too and it’s near BBC and itv and Coronation street, in a wonderful location.

01 Imperial War Museum, Manchester

Surely this is the last war that will ever be between civilised nations. These words were said by Private Arthur Wrench on 11 November 1918. He was soon proven wrong by another private who learned about war and hate in the WW1 trenches, Hitler.

02 Imperial War Museum, Manchester

03 Imperial War Museum, Manchester

While we were visiting the museum, the lights went off and a movie appeared projected on the walls. I liked it a lot, it’s impressive and very well made with surround sound.

04 Imperial War Museum, Manchester
A piece of the Berlin wall.

05 Imperial War Museum, Manchester

This is a steel window section from the ruins of the World Trade Center. The twin towers were the tallest structure in the world when it was completed in 1973 having 110 storeys. It is impossible to know where the section came from due to the destruction. The clean up took eight months and some of the remains of the towers have been distributed to organizations in USA and the rest of the world. I was watching live news on TV when I saw the towers collapse, a dark moment in modern times what we have to remember.

After visiting the museum I told hubby we should head up to the viewing point. The lift was out of order and we took the stairs. I must admit the view from the top makes up for climbing all those stairs.

08 Imperial War Museum, Manchester

The only downside is that I have Acrophobia, irrational fear of heights, and being on a metal mesh is not something I enjoy. Hubby asked me if I want to take a picture of my shoes, but I was busy trying not to scream in terror. Anyway, I have his picture and a couple with the views and I kept my calm.

06 Imperial War Museum, Manchester

07 Imperial War Museum, Manchester

9 Comment

  1. I never knew they had a war museum in Manchester, I just knew about the London one. It looks like a fascinating place and its a long way down from the top, well done for going up. Thanks for linking to #outandabout

  2. Gosh that’s brave of you going up to the top! I think museums like this are very important, and the projections must have been very immersive. The piece of the Berlin Wall is very poignant!

    1. I wasn’t brave, I had no idea there isn’t a floor, but only that mesh. When I discovered, I was already standing on it đŸ™‚

  3. My son is supposed to be going there for an event soon but I’m not so sure it will be his thing, I would find it very interesting though – certainly makes you think.

    1. I’m not sure is very interesting for kids, but maybe the event will be very engaging and he will love it.

  4. This looks like such a cool place to visit – I think it’s important that we remember our history sometimes because it’s how we got where we are today. Manchester is one of my favourite places too! xx


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