Powis Castle

Medieval castle with gorgeous gardens makes the perfect spot to spend a beautiful day. Powis Castle is in Wales, an hour an a half from our home, an easy option for a short day trip. The Castle is beautiful. We weren’t allowed to take pictures inside, so I have pictures only from the courtyard and […]

My husband and I

My husband and I are made for each other. We’ve met 12 years ago (I feel old!) in a train (another story to come) and we’ve been together ever since. We do have a lot of things in common and we both have similar passions, but we couldn’t be more different at the same time. […]

Soon-to-be lawn

We have grass! Only a few days ago I was posting a picture with our back garden, here. We’ve sowed the seeds on the 12th and yesterday our garden looked like this: So far I’m very happy with the lawn, looks very good. Hopefully the rest of the seeds will soon start to germinate.

My boy’s birthday

My boy turned 5 yesterday. We’ve celebrated with a new toy, a special lunch and cake. Enjoy the pictures. If you fancy seeing even more pictures, take a look at his blog. His special lunch 😀

Refurbishing the house

After a very long, daunting process of buying a house, the next step should be simple: a few small changes and moving in. Well, for us a few small changes got bigger and bigger. The garden was transformed from a paved yard with lots of thorny roses on the sides into a great piece of […]

My silly dog

Having a dog with a very high prey-drive is challenging at times (with all the cats and squirrels and foxes). But at the same time, this makes him incredible amusing to watch while he is playing. More pictures and movies of him, here. Having a “salad” as a snack after play. He actually eats some […]


Last Sunday I went for the day in London for a trade show. For this trip I’ve decided to wear a knitted Asos dress and have a shawl in case it will get chilli. Didn’t had to wear it. This coffee is the reason the train left the station 20 seconds later. Hubby run to […]

Birkenhead Park Festival of Transport

Well, this is me with a python! It was the first time I had the opportunity to hold a snake and I was so happy! I loved it! It’s so strange to feel her muscles (female, still young and not fully developed) when she was moving. Isn’t she a beauty? How could I resist the […]

Lions and monkeys

I’ve decided to make only 1 more post in the series about the animals at Knowsley, hence the lions and monkeys title. Being in a car, while lions are walking by, almost touching it, is strange and exciting. I can’t explain the feeling. So going to Knowsley Safari Park to see the lions is a […]

Trentham Gardens

We took two hours off from admiring the monkeys to walk through the Trentham Gardens. We decided to go for a joint ticket as it had a discount. I feel the gardens are overpriced, worth a visit, but not a return. My lime tart was good, even thou it was a little too sweet. I […]