vegan formal

January 2024

I started the second term at Oxford, it’s called Hilary, which is the patron-saint of lawyers (funny, isn’t it?). I am back in Oxford, being very busy with all sorts of lectures and seminars, formals, socials. We went to London for a day and watched the commemorations for Charles I, which I am going to […]

Mac and cheese

Pastan Manchester

I blogged two years ago about Pastan. At that point they only had one restaurant, in Barbican, here is my review. We’ve been there quite a few times when we were living in London. In the meantime, they opened 4 more restaurants, in Brighton, Bristol, Manchester, and Barcelona, Spain. We went to Pastan Manchester before […]

Aberystwyth Castle


I few days ago I talked about the vegan options in Aberystwyth and today I will talk about the town. It is situated in mid-Wales, on the coast. It had about 16k citizens at the last census. Despite its size, it has quite a few tourist attractions on offer. It is both an university town […]

Vegan in Aberystwyth

Vegan in Aberystwyth is a round-up of the places we’ve had our meals while on a trip to Aberystwyth. There aren’t any fully vegan places, so no individual posts. That being said, there are many vegan options and we both enjoyed the food a lot. Aberystwyth is a wonderful place for a holiday and we […]

La Traviata

La Traviata

This week I’ve been to the Opera House in Manchester to see the wonderful La Traviata performed by the Ukrainian Opera & Ballet Theatre Kyiv with international soloists, highly-praised chorus and full orchestra. I was very keen on going to see Ukrainian artists, at this difficult time, to show our support. I’ve seen La Traviata […]

goals for 2024

Goals for 2024

These are my 2024 goals! They are very much like the ones in 2023 for the large part. Goals for 2024: Blogs 1. Post regularly. This means all books reviewed on Coffee&Books, a few recipes on CookStyle, and at least 4 posts a month. So, that means 52 posts on ancaslifestyle. 2. Reviews for Vegan […]


Goals for 2023. How I did.

These are my 2023 goals! As usual, if I don’t do all of them, I’m not bothered at all. All the goals are modest and easy to do, so, hopefully, all will be done. Everything is available to see on the three blogs, but I didn’t add links as it would be too many links […]