Oxford Travel

Wheatley mill

Wheatley mill is a lovely place to see in Oxfordshire. We visited the mill in their last open days of the year. It is worth checking if you are close to Oxford next year. The guides are knowledgeable and the site is well worth seeing.

Enjoy the pictures!

Wheatley Mill





sail viewed from the window


last floor

last floor

view from the top

view from the top



6 Comment

  1. Great pictures, as always! I don’t mind going up steps like that, it’s coming down which makes me a little queasy. I usually have to wait until everyone else has gone, then turn around and come down backwards!

    If you don’t mind a short journey from Oxford to the north of Wiltshire, there is another windmill which is as stunning as Wheatley, called Wilton Windmill. It is literally a stones throw away from Crofton Beam Engine and both are alongside the Kennett and Avon canal. (you might need to check out websites though, as both locations only open on certain days of the year)

    I am definitely adding Wheatley to my list of places to visit when Dave retires next year 🙂

    1. Going down backwards was the only option. I saw a couple of people struggling to go down as we normally climb down the stairs. I will have to check both those locations as both sound really nice.

      Thank you for stopping by. xx

    1. The staircase was steep, but the last floor was just crazy. It’s the one with the volunteer dressed in red. We had to squat walk because it was so tight.
      The view was lovely, I fully agree.

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