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Bloggers Art Gallery

Kezzie had a great idea, to organize a Bloggers Art Gallery. Bloggers Art Gallery is a joint effort by a few bloggers, who showcase their artwork, in a time when many museums are closed.

Blogger art gallery header

The idea is that each of us shows what kind of artwork they have in their homes. As art is subjective, I’ve included some things that might not be considered artwork by others, but that’s not bothering me at all. We are in the middle of renovating a few rooms and outside, so I will share posts on those rooms as soon as they are done. I’ve included bits in this post though.


I will start my home gallery tour with a picture of my bedroom, as here is the biggest piece of artwork in the house and one of two considered artwork by… well… everybody.
You can see here more pictures with my bedroom. The artwork on the wall is made by my husband and I. I should mention that the green pillows are temporary, until I find exactly the kind of pillows I’m looking for to replace them. They will take their place in the bench outside, to be used when we are staying in the garden.


These paintings are made by my husband and I, when we’ve attended Painting Classes with The Paint Republic. We’ve had them in the office for a while, but now they are on the staircase.

My office space

Next room is the office. I think that interior design is a form of art and I love my desk and my chair. You can see more pictures from my home office.


Here is a close-up with my desk, unique, made by us.

Kings and Queens

As I’m studying history, I’ve decided to make a minimalist pedigree of the English Kings and Queens, starting with Edgar I (959) to the present day, including the latest addition to the Royal Family, Archie. It’s clean and clear and I actually use it from time to time.

Big bookcase

Next on my tour is the living room. The bookcase might look simple, but it is entirely made by my husband and I. It started its life as a huge MDF panel (or 10) and it ended up like this. I like how we’ve designed it to cross over the next wall, as you can see it more clearly in the following picture.

Bookcase and sofa

Tudor ceramic in the Bookcase

This is a bit of Tudor ceramic that I bought from the Jewel Tower in London and it is on the same shelf with some books on Tudor life.


This bookcase is on the opposite wall of the living room. It is not filled with books yet… but I’m working hard on doing that. The vases are made by Rose Dickinson; are handmade and I have a bigger one too. I like using two of them at the same time. She is such a great artist.


Lastly, this is the porch floor, made in a similar manner to the office desk, but with different colours. It is very hardy and resistant and it looks so very special too. Some might not consider this art, but, if it was not on the floor but on a canvas and displayed on a wall would it have been different? I don’t think so.

I hope you’ve enjoyed my tour and make sure you are checking what the other bloggers have shared, if you are curious.

19 Comment

  1. Anca, your gallery is so awesome! That first piece that you have in your bedroom is simply amazing!! As an amateur artist myself, I must “take my hat off” to you for your excellent craftmanship in all of your designs. I LOVE your bookcase! You and your husband did great in designing it! I wish that I had such a brilliant way to display all of my books as you! Speaking of books, I understand that you also do book reviews on your blog? I’m a huge reader and whenever I finish a few books, I post book reviews on my blog. I hope that you will come check them out sometime.
    Again, great pieces, Anca. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

  2. Wow, the artwork in your bedroom is stunning! And I love your desk top and your porch floor too, they’re both so unusual. I think Kezzie’s idea is lovely, I’m always interested to see how other people decorate their homes so I’ll have to head over to everyone else’s blogs for a nosey now, thank you! Lisa

  3. Along with many others, I think the artwork above your bed is particularly striking. The bookcase is great too.
    I will have to explore your blog in more detail at a later date, as I see you live in Liverpool – I’m a Scouser-in-Exile!!

  4. I love your interpretations of art (and I agree, when something has been painstakingly made by someone, it is a work of art! I ADORE the combination of those canvases sizes and shapes that make up that branch- it is so utterly striking! So clever and I don’t think I’ve seen anything like that! The red paintings are so beautifully striking too!
    The bookcase is so impressive! He’s a clever chap, your husband! The desk is so attractive as is the floor- I actually thought it was a painting! Your house is very striking! Thanks so much for taking part!

  5. It was interesting to see so much art actually part of your home and so many personal, homemade things too. So very different from my home too, it’s great to see the variety in homes and pieces across these posts!

  6. How lovely to have a mini tour of your home! The painting on multiple canvases is a clever idea, and works great as a wall feature. Big well done to you both also for building a splendid bookcase, it is really cool!
    Your interior design reflects your personal style, and that’s great. The Tudor piece in a frame is beautifully displayed.

  7. It’s a beautiful home, Anca. I really love the two red pieces that you did with your husband. It’s beautifully designed, you home. I love the bookcase – and the English history timeline! Lovely.

  8. Your place looks lovely. I love your office chair and the art in your bedroom and in the staircase. Thanks for inviting us in for a peek at your art gallery.

  9. I remember seeing the artwork in your bedroom before and thinking how beautiful it is. In fact, all that you’ve shown us here is lovely. That desktop is a showpiece! I’m also drawn to your lineage chart. (I tend to pore over those when included in books I read)

    1. The lineage chart looks simple, but it is very helpful and I like how it looks too. I was thinking of adding a bit more info, but it might get a bit too big. 😀

  10. You’ve got some great pieces, I particularly love the artwork above your bed, all the more special for being created by yourself & your husband! x

  11. I love the multiple canvases connecting into one painting above your bed. Your husband is very talented. My husband and I actually ordered something similar from a local artist but he didn’t like it (I did), I eventually repainted it and made it about the sea. I also like the red paintings you and your husband did at an art course. I would recommend everyone taking an art class, it can be such a great experience. I always loved painting and art but it is not until I took art courses that I have started to make it more seriously.
    Your home office looks amazing! I also really like your home office and living room. The desk in your home office is fantastic. Your husband and you have done an amazing job with the white bookcase you made yourself- Such talented people you are.
    Finally, I simply adore how you displayed that piece of Tudor ceramic.. Was it already like that (framed within a sculpture) when you bought it?

    1. Thank you Ivana. The Tudor ceramic was on its own and I framed it in a display case, which was sold for shops to display the jewellery or other small items they have for sale.

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