After a very long, daunting process of buying a house, the next step should be simple: a few small changes and moving in.
Well, for us a few small changes got bigger and bigger. The garden was transformed from a paved yard with lots of thorny roses on the sides into a great piece of dirt with lawn seeds that will, hopefully, develop soon into a beautiful and dense grass. Not so pretty at the moment:
It’s been only 5 days, so we still have our hopes up.
We were thinking of changing the kitchen cabinets even before finalizing the contract. But hubby said we should change a perfectly good copper pipe with a new&shinny, slightly bigger one. He has a point, as we have to be sure we’ll have the right water pressure even if we turn on the washing machine and other appliances (if I can persuade hubby that our small kitchen it’s not to small for a dishwasher).
I can’t even try to explain hubby’s plans in the living room… with cables in the walls, not to be visible. Cables for speakers he plans to build up himself (probably in the next summer as I doubt he will have the time until then). Also, there are cables for TV, projector and a lot of other stuff that I really don’t understand.
All these changes take a lot of time (and money) and we have to move in 3 weeks as we’ve already gave notice to our landlord. The house is currently not liveable in. We are not scared that we’ll not finish in time… not scared at all…
Btw, the mailman told me today that he will miss us, isn’t that nice?!
Am vazut ca v-ati cumparat casa, dar n-am apucat sa va felicit si sa va urez s-o stapaniti sanatosi. Asa ca o fac acum: felicitari si sa stapaniti casa sanatosi. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Cat priveste restul, vine de la sine. Incetul cu incetul, se rezolva toate. In Romania, am facut doua case, cum se spune, a fost de lucru, nu gluma. In Irlanda, am cumparat una si am amenajat-o dupa cum ne-a fost voia, de la faianta pana sus, in pod. Si n-avem de gand sa ne oprim aici! Inceputul e greu, sa stii, ca dupa aceea, va obisnuiti! 🙂
Multumim 🙂
Stiu ca se rezolva intr-un final, am mai facut asta in urma cu cativa ani, cand ne-am luat apartament in RO. Dar sunt asa de multe si trebuie sa ne mutam si e si animal si firma, complicat 🙂