Manchester Travel

Manchester Day Trip

I’ve been to Manchester many times before, but almost always to go to a specific venue, at a blogging event or conference, or a meeting with friends. But now I was challenged* to organize a Manchester Day Trip for me and my husband. It sounded amazing. Of course, with us living in Liverpool, we don’t need accommodation, but you can check out hotels in Manchester on if you want to stay for the weekend or even longer. There are so many things to do in Manchester that you’ll not get bored.

I would suggest making a plan and booking everything at least a couple of days before the trip. We went on a weekday so it was not busy, but it was still a good idea to book. I’ve made two bookings and we also visited a museum. I’m going to talk about my day trip, as it went on.

Cat Cafe Manchester. Part of my Manchester Day Trip

First stop in our Manchester Day Trip was Cat Cafe. We’ve been to the cat cafe before and already knew how fun this place is. Imagine my delight when I saw that they opened a new venue in Liverpool. I will book tickets for that too.

They have 13 cats in Manchester, all very well taken care of. The price for the cafe includes all the hot drinks you might want to have. The only thing one needs to pay for are the cakes and any extra time they spend in the cafe. There are lots of toys, so customers can try to entice the animals to play.

My husband was the luckiest one, as only him managed to persuade cats to play. I had no luck and neither the rest of the customers. But that hardly matters, as the cast walk around, play with each other. It’s just nice to stay there and watch them sleep. This is relaxing and a very nice way to start the day.

Cat Cafe Manchester. Part of my Manchester Day Trip. Cat looking down

Isn’t she gorgeous? Customers were taking turns to take her picture.

Cat Cafe Manchester. Part of my Manchester Day Trip. Me petting a cat

The rules say that we are not allowed to disturb the cats that are sleeping, of course. But we can interact with the ones that are awake. Of course, if they can be bothered to move. This one, on the left, was the model of the day, as everybody was taking pictures with her. But she didn’t leave her cosy spot.

Cat Cafe Manchester. Part of my Manchester Day Trip. Two cats looking at each other on a plank

Cat Cafe Manchester. Part of my Manchester Day Trip. Cat sleeping

Cat Cafe Manchester. Part of my Manchester Day Trip. Hot chocolate

The hot chocolate was great. They do serve lots of delicious sounding drinks and have a few cakes too.

Cat Cafe Manchester. Part of my Manchester Day Trip. Cats in the cafe

After the hour passed at the Cat Cafe, we’ve continued with the next item on my plan.

Art Gallery. Part of my Manchester Day Trip

That involved a visit to the Manchester Art Gallery.

Painting in Art Gallery. Part of my Manchester Day Trip

I think this was the most striking painting in the collection. It’s called The Chariot Race and is oil on canvas by Alexander von Wagner, it was painted in the 19th century.

Artwork in Art Gallery. Part of my Manchester Day Trip

We’ve had a look around and I bought a book that was on sale at the gift shop. The visit to the museum lasted for a bit over an hour, just I imagined it would.

Picture from Manchester. Part of my Manchester Day Trip

After that we went to lunch. As I mentioned earlier, I booked for us in advance. We went to 1847 Manchester. I’ve been to 1847 before and I was very eager to try their special Veganuary menu. Not only the dishes sounded great, but they are on offer this month. As my husband and I usually do, we’ve ordered two things from the menu and shared them.

Starters at 1847 Manchester. Part of my Manchester Day Trip

For starters we’ve had crispy rice cake, mushrooms (shimeji, chanterelle, girolloes), white truffle foam, porcini dust, and parsley mousse (up) and smoked chipotle falafel, black bean, charred corn, blue tortilla, and tomato and lime salsa (down).

I loved both dishes. The falafel was a bit spicy, but right for me. My husband said it was a bit too spicy for him. I’d happily order both again.

Mains at 1847 Manchester. Part of my Manchester Day Trip

For mains we’ve had smoked olive polenta, tomato ragu, courgette, pesto, pine nut, basil snow (left) and jerk chickpea, pineapple salsa, curried mango, pickled chilli, coconut, plantain crisps (right). Again, both dishes were delicious. The chickpea one was a bit spicy again, but I liked it. We both loved the smoked olive polenta thought. It looks amazing and it tasted as exciting as it looked.

Desserts at 1847 Manchester. Part of my Manchester Day Trip

For desserts we’ve had poached plums, sichuan peppercorn, oat, pistachio crumb (left) and dark chocolate, orange marmalade, hazelnut, salted toffee, bitter orange gel (right). My favourite was the poached plums dish. My husband preferred the dark chocolate one. Both dishes were fab.

I was delighted with my lunch at 1847 and I can’t wait to visit them again. If you are planning a day trip in Manchester, do take them into consideration. The food is delicious and the service was great too.

Shopping centre. Manchester Day Trip

After that we went to do a bit of shopping. I bought a couple of things from The Body Shop and TK Maxx. There are so many fab shops in the centre that you can easily spend a day just in there.

Football museum. Manchester Day Trip

Our day trip was coming to an end, as we headed towards the car park, when we passed by the National Football museum. This made me think of the other places I’ve visited in Manchester and that would too be great for a day trip, so here are three more locations you can incorporate in a Manchester Day Trip: National Football Museum, Imperial War Museum, and Jewish Museum (links to my posts).

*The spending money was gifted by, but all views and pictures are my own.

10 Comment

  1. I keep thinking I would like to visit Manchester properly. My ex-boyfriend from Uni lived there and I never seemed to see much when I was there with him. I’d like to go to the Cat cafe!!!

  2. Manchester is a great day out! The first time I went to the Cat Cafe I just absolutely fell in love with one of the gorgeous kitties so I have to go back every now and then to visit!

  3. I keep putting off visiting the Cat Cafe in Liverpool but now I feel like I need to, I’m not the biggest cat person but dang, they just look so cute! I can’t remember the last time I had a day out in Manchester, I need to rectify this soon!

    Sarah 🙂

  4. The cat cafe seems amazing! It must be so relaxing indeed, just being there with all the cats around you. The museum seems nice as well, I love that painting. I really need to visit Manchester one day. I’ve never been so far north in England, but one day I will! Thank you for sharing about your day trip!

    Julia x

  5. I’m not quite sure on Cat Cafes, but I’m sure I’d be drawn to one due to my love of cats!

    I only ever seem to go to Manchester for concerts! I had planned to do some sight-seeing when I saw Kiefer Sutherland last year, but it was just too hot in the end. I’ll be going to see Take That there in a few months, hopefully I’ll be able to find some time… If not, I’ll just have to arrange a day or weekend trip!

  6. I’m a Mancunian born and bred and love my city. It’s fabulous to see the city from a visitors perspective.

    I haven’t yet tried 1847 – will ad it to my list of eateries to try

  7. What a fab outing in Manchester! You managed to do a lot in one day. The cat cafe sounds great fun. My younger son would so love to visit it. That ginger cat is way too cute!
    I remember the art gallery. The Wedgwood collection is amazing.
    Haven’t been in Manchester for over 20 years, but spent a couple of weeks there when I was a student, and enjoyed the city. We were house-sitting for a friend over Christmas holidays.
    The vegan menu sounds very tasty. I love mushrooms, so would definitely enjoy the mushroom starter.

  8. You already know how impressed I am with the vegan dishes. I’d love to try a place like that.

    I think the cat cafe would be a great place to enjoy some kitty company when you can’t have any cats of your own. They look beautiful. 🙂

  9. I love Manchester! I lived there for 10 years and I love going back. In fact I’m off this weekend, but we’ve not booked anything as a lot of the places I want to try out don’t need booking! Looks like you had a great time 🙂

  10. I haven’t been to Manchester for years! I like the look of the art gallery, but I must admit, I’m not a cat person so would probably avoid the cat cafe 🙂 That restaurant looks amazing and I can’t believe those dishes are vegan. I need to plan a trip to Manchester this year after reading this

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