Everyday life Life

February 2023

This month marked 1 year of russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. I talked about charities and books by Ukranian authors.

In February I’ve been a couple of times to London, but not too much as there were some strikes and my schedule changed. I shared two posts from London, St Clemens Danes Church and random pictures. We’ve celebrated Pancake Day with lots of pancakes. We’ve also visited our favourite place in Liverpool a couple of times and celebrated Valentine’s Day at home.


In London we’ve got (all vegan, of course), from top left to bottom right: Benji’s Buns, Omni fish at Greene King pub, nachos from Neat, and Turkish delight from a small family-run business. I loved the Turkish delight, not as sweet as what’s in supermarkets.


I tried Japanese bubble tea, which is chewy, different from the Chinese version. This is not a painted glass, but this is how the tea looks like with the syrup in it.

This month we also watched movies. I loved Dog, here is more about it. The Belgian Malinois called Lulu alongside Army Ranger Briggs race down the Pacific Coast to make it to a soldier’s funeral on time. It is a story of love and the effects of war. I highly recommend it.
I also saw this month Power, a series, here more about it. The only downside is that it had too many sex scenes, but the storyline is fantastic. As for the ending, it was amazing. The last 5 episodes presented the same scenes, but from a different perspective. I loved how they changed a bit each time, as it happens in real life, when two people experience the same event, but in a different way and they remember it differently.


1. Vegan fish&chips at Marlborough Arms in London. 2. London. 3. Turkish delight from a family-owned business. 4. Flowers in bloom in the garden, first for the year. 5. Dreaming of the lunch I wanted, had it on the following day. 6. Waterloo Station, in London. 7. Last vax. 8. Lunch at the Vibe. 9. Emails. 10. Puzzle finished, of the world. 11. A very well made ad for Dog Trust. 12. Wellcome Collection. 13. London. 14. Valentine’s Day. 15. More books. 16. Stringy halva, bought from a Turkish shop in London. 17. Annoyed I’m not in London for this. 18. One of the family, an 1880 painting by Frederick George Cotman at Walker Art Gallery. 19. Coffee date. 20. Sorting out the ingredients for Pancake Day – purple yam jam. 21. Pancake Day. 22. Dreaming of a vegan steak we had for Valentine’s Day (old picture, these sold out fast). 23. Chess. 24. Slava Ukraini! My bracelet from Azovstal. 25. Little Leopard. 26. intu Trafford. 27. Gin cocktail. 28. Books in February.


I finished 7 books this month. I am slightly behind on the target to reach 89 books by the end of the year, but I’m only 2 books behind. Considering how busy I was with the university assignments, it’s not bad at all.

All the books are now reviewed on Coffee&Books, so check them out if you are curious about a book. I would recommend all the books I read this month. All were interesting, even though some have a wider appeal than others, due to their topics.

Books I read in February:
Yugoslav Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War by Vjeran Pavlakovic – 5 stars
Anatomy by Christopher Joseph – 5 stars
How to Make a Vaccine by John Rhodes – 5 stars
A Moment of War by Laurie Lee – 4 stars
The Diary of Jack the Ripper by Shirley Harrison – 4 stars
A Message from Ukraine by Volodymyr Zelensky – 5 stars
A Dark History of Gin by Mike Rendell – 5 stars

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12 Comment

  1. Your month looks great! I am always in admiration of how much non-fiction you read! I do struggle with it but you seem to choose such interesting subjects. Perhaps where I am going wrong is with what I choose?

  2. I like the look of the Turkish Delight – especially as it wasn’t as sweet as that sold in supermarkets. I’ve never tried bubble tea – it sounds intriguing. Another interesting selection of books. I’m sure you’ll catch back up towards your target for the year. #WotW

  3. All those dishes and foods look so good. I really like proper turkish delight, that looks interesting. Your book reading is so much deeper than my fiction reads. Hope you find more time for more reading as you want it.

    1. I thought initially that the cup has the design on it, so it was a bit of a surprise. The restaurant is in Bloomsbury, near the hotel we were staying in, but about 15 minutes walk from uni. I would love to go there again and try another of their teas.

  4. Wow! You have definitely had a busy month, I can’t even begin to compete with it, but then you are much younger than us and back in the day our life was equally hectic. I quite like the look of your two sweet treats, although I am a bit of a Turkish Delight freak, so it would have to be good for me to rave over it! Luckily D. hates the stuff, so I can treat myself occasionally. My reading is going well, quite slowly, but that’s okay with me. My Goodreads page has my 2023 challenge on it, so you can see at a glance which books I have read. Here’s to a successful and fulfilled March 🙂

    1. This Turkish delight is different, not as sweet, a good texture. If you have the chance of trying something like this, don’t miss it.
      It’s great that you are not adding too much pressure on you to finish x amount of books and so on. I read a lot, but mostly chapters or articles, and this is why the book count is lower than it used to be. I looked and you have quite a few good books there. xx

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