Everyday life Life

10 Good things

From the last 10 good things a lot of wonderful things happened.

1. Our anniversary. My husband and I met 14 years ago. We had a lovely anniversary. While the morning was busy with us watching an amazing F1 race and we already knew what we want to do in the evening, during the day we didn’t have anything planned. So hubby said we should go to York to the National Railway Museum. It was fab, I’m going to blog about it.

2. Festus turned 7. He had a lovely birthday treat: a bike ride in the park. He also got treats and a special dinner.

3. We are preparing for our next caravanning trip. This month we are going to London and to Edinburgh. It’s so exciting.

4. I’ve been to Freud Museum. I will blog about it these days. It was very special for me. I wanted to go to Psychology at Uni, so I’ve started reading books about Freud’s cases as a teenager. Some of the things read in those books, at 15, an age the personality develops, shaped me and made me as I am today.

5. BlogOn MSI. I’ve been to the 2nd BlogOn conference this year and it was amazing. I loved the seminars and the brands, I was able to chat with blogger-friends. The goodie bag was amazing too.

6. Autumn. The thing I like most about this season is the celebrations we have (my husband and I), it also means that Halloween is fast approaching. Soon after it’s my birthday. I love all these special moments we have as a family.

7. Plans. After BlogOn I got to think and pretty soon I’m going to make some plans for my food blog. I have some ideas in mind and a blogging buddy to share them with.


8. Bakes and cakes. I’m baking along GBBO this year, as I mentioned a few times. So far I did great, I tried new recipes that I love and that I’m going to bake again and again in the future. It also means we are eating lots of cake, that surely must be a good thing (not for my waistline, but I can’t complain, can I?!). So far, the Breakingwell tart is my favourite.

9. Outlander. It’s a thrilling series, very well made and the story is beautiful.

10. Starcraft. Cozy nights it might involve a little bit of Starcraft, a game we’ve been playing for the last 14 years. I don’t know if I like the game because it reminds me of our days at Uni or just because it’s a classic. Anyway, it makes me happy.

These are my 10 good things. Did you have things that make you happy these days?

3 Comment

  1. Happy Anniversary! 14 years is impressive (also my lucky number so it should be a good one for you!)


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