

I don’t talk much about men’s fashion, but last time I’ve been with my husband at Metquarter to get a couple more TMLewin shirts, I though I should write about it on the blog. Have a look on TMLewin’s at and at for more details. I like their shirts too, if you remember my outfits from a couple of years ago.

The first shop was opened by Mr. Thomas Mayes Lewin in Jermyn Street, London, in 1898. He was among the fashion industry innovators. A hundred years ago, shirts look a bit different and didn’t have buttons down the front. T.M.Lewin’s “coat-shirts” were a prototype of the modern shirt we see today on the high street.

At TMLewin, they continue to use many of the traditional manufacturing techniques, made over a century ago. Now there are almost 100 stores in UK, new stores opening in Europe, Singapore, and Australia.

TMLewin shirts
these (long sleeves) are his TMLewin shirts

As you can see, he has a relatively big collection of TMLewin shirts and he plans to buy a few more. He likes the quality of the shirts and, even more so, that he can find a shirt that will fit him. He tried with different brands and so far only TMLewin gives him exactly what he wants. As he told me after he bought the last shirts: “It feels like they are made by a tailor, but in fact is off the shelf.”

TMLewin label detail

My husband is tall and slim. That means he needs shirts with a longer sleeve and that should be fitted or slim-fit. These kind of fits will differ from manufacturer to manufacturer. He also likes wearing cufflinks and most of the shirts he buys from them are Double Cuff.
Amazingly, most of the other brands he tried on and even bought a few, are too lose around the waist. Even the ones that are “tailor-fit” or something similar, are still a bit big for him. So now he plans to buy only from TMLewin because the shirts fit him perfectly.

TMLewin at Metquarter. Outside the shop

One of those 100 shops is in Metquarter. It is a shopping centre consisting primarily of boutique stores located in central Liverpool, opened in 2006, with 38 shops over two floors.

TMLewin at Metquarter

The staff there is very nice and helpful. My husband tried both slim-fit and fitted shirts and had a chat with them. I like how the shirts are put on display on the shelves, by size of the collar and by length of the sleeves.

TMLewin at Metquarter. Inside the shop

TMLewin at Metquarter. Shirts on display

4 Comment

  1. What a fantastic write up which I wholeheartedly agree with, I’ve in my hunt to find the best fitting shirts for my frame tried out many brands and two shone above all others.
    The first was Charles Tyrwhitt they produce fantastic shirts for men, but like your husband I found them to “baggy” in the mid section.
    This is when I found TM Lewin and the fit was perfect! They also offer a fair number of promotions and discounts.
    If you work for the NHS for example you can get quite a nice chunk off of the RRP!

  2. Great to hear that TM Lewin shirts work well for your other half. Maybe I need to take mine there as he wears shirts all the time. Mich x

  3. These look great. I’ve seen their shops around but never been in and my partner’s shirts always wear out so I’m going to forward this to him so he can give them a try.

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