England Travel

Michael Eden at Waddesdon Manor

Michael Eden’s Form & Transform collection at Waddesdon Manor is so beautiful I thought it deserves a special post. I will talk about the manor another time.

Michael Eden was born in 1955, in Blackburn, Lancashire. He trained as a potter, before completing an MPhil at Royal Collefe of Art. Using 3D modelling and printing, among traditional methods, he makes wonderful pieces of art. He made Wedgwood inspired art piece. I’ve seen it somewhere, but I can’t remember where. It might have been at the Bowes Museum, but I don’t have a picture of that, so I might be wrong. He likes working with these new techniques because, as he says, “3D printing has given me the freedom to create works of art that would be impossible with the wheel and clay.”

Michael Eden at Waddesdon Manor

If you want to know more about Michael Eden, have a look on his website @ michael-eden.com. The exhibition I’m talking about today is displayed at Waddesdon Manor, managed by National Trust.

He is making these pieces with fused nylon powder that can be coated with copper. The Form & Transform exhibition is inspired by Waddesdon and its own collections.

Michael Eden - Rococo I, 2018

Rococo I, 2018

Michael Eden . Nautilus II, 2018

Nautilus II, 2018. The structure is composed of calcium carbonate coccoliths, tiny structures made by single-celled algae.

Michael Eden . Spiralis, 2018


Michael Eden. After Le Lorrain II, 2018. After Le Lorrain I, 2018.

After Le Lorrain II, green, and After Le Lorrain I, fuchsia, made in 2018. After Le Lorrain I is composed of scanned home-grown courgette leaves and a classical dancing figure.

Michael Eden. The elephant vase

The elephant vase, 2018. The pierced section is based on a microscopic imagine of an elephant skin. How lovely is that.

Michael Eden art piece

I’ve enjoyed the exhibition a lot. So, do make sure you are visiting it, if you have the chance to do so.

Waddesdon Manor can be found at Waddesdon, near Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP18 0JH. Tickets for adults are £19.80 (£22 with gift aid), of course, free for National Trust members. Michael Eden’s exhibition is free with ground’s admission, at Coach House gallery, from 25th May to 21st Oct 2018.

3 Comment

  1. What a fascinating collection, he is obviously talented and put a lot of thought into the works. Wish I lived a bit nearer so I could pop in

  2. What a talented artist! I haven’t seen this exhibition. Thank you for sharing these beautiful images of inspired artwork. The use of the unusual materials is so creative and meaningful too.

  3. 3-D printing is a fascinating technique. I love what he’s done here with such unusual materials. Beautiful!

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