
Solar eclipse

We’ve talked a lot about the eclipse, I wanted to go to Scotland to see it better, hubby was reluctant as it wasn’t a total eclipse. In the end, it was too far for a day trip, so we’ve remained at home and hoped we’ll have a clear sky in Liverpool.


1 Solar eclipse Liverpool 2015

2 Solar eclipse Liverpool 2015

3 Solar eclipse Liverpool 2015

4 Solar eclipse 2015

5 Solar eclipse Liverpool

6 Solar eclipse 2015

7 Solar eclipse 2015

8 Solar eclipse Liverpool 2015

9 Solar eclipse Liverpool 2015

6 Comment

  1. It was quite cloudy where I was too but looks like you got some good photos 🙂

  2. Yep, Liverpool was pretty cloudy this morning! I love these photos. I managed to get a few too and I think the clouds really make them seem dramatic.

  3. Beautiful!!!!! It was too foggy, cloudy in Brighton to see anything until almost the end of the event, maybe next time, in 10 years will have more luck 😉

  4. I really enjoyed it! I thought once the clouds came here it would be over but they actually just gave it a really moody backdrop! I’d never seen an eclipse before so it was really exciting. It’s a shame you didn’t get to go to Scotland though.

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