England Travel

Charlecote Park

I’ve been to Charlecote Park just 1 day before the house was opened again to the public. It was a lovely day, so hubby and I walked around the parkland, admired the deer and had a look in the kitchen and stables.

01 Charlecote Park
Charlecote was completed in 1558 by the first Sir Thomas Lucy and it was one of the first great Elizabethan houses. Now it’s part of National Trust. The estate is situated in Warwickshire, near Stratford-upon-Avon.

02 Charlecote Park

03 Charlecote Park
This looks like the perfect place for a picnic. I can’t wait for warmer weather. I intend to get a traditional wicker picnic basket and have lunch at NT properties we’ll visit this summer.

The house was close, as I said, but the stables with the carriages display was opened, same as the kitchen and the laundry.

04 Charlecote Park
The coach is a beauty, with the crest on the side.

05 Charlecote Park
All the stables are full with beautiful carriages. From left to right: Barouche, open carriage for daytime, used in London, Brougham, closed carriage for everyday use and at night and the last one is an Wagonette Omnibus, a versatile carriage for countryside.

06 Charlecote Park
The laundry was adjoined to the brewery. I always like how this rooms are set up, like a laundry maid could enter at any moment to do her work.

07 Charlecote Park
I love crinolines, I had one at my wedding. I would be more than happy to wear crinolines everyday, sadly, that fashion is not likely to come back any time soon.

After the laundry, hubby and I went to see the kitchens. The Victorian kitchens are beautiful, large and airy.

08 Charlecote Park
This is how the napkins were folded for the table. I might give it a try and make some roses next time I’m entertaining.

09 Charlecote Park
A lady was demonstrating how the stove worked, cooking directly on fire.

10 Charlecote Park

After seeing the kitchens we went on a stroll near the house and we approached the deer. It was amazing to be able to get so close to them, as they are used to people.

11 Charlecote Park

12 Charlecote Park

13 Charlecote Park
As you can see, I was quite close to them. I stood there in silence and watched them. It was so relaxing and peaceful. There were others too, even a small kid who was admiring the animals without making any sound. It was a really beautiful experience.

14 Charlecote Park

9 Comment

  1. This looks like a fab place to visit! Loving the living kitchen idea – looks like my idea of heaven! 🙂

  2. Oh wow what a stunning looking place to explore and getting so close to the animals. I would love to visit myself. x

  3. What a stunning place to visit, imagine living there with all that amazing history and the views x

  4. Oooh, I’ve read a book about this place called ‘The children of Charlecote’ by Brian Fairfax Lucy and Philippa Peace-it was v good! I’d like to visit this place!!x

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