
Why I use Photoshop

With Blog On approaching, which is this weekend, I’ve been thinking of the technical side of blogging. So, I’ve decided to talk about Photoshop and why I’m using it.
I’ve been using Photoshop for many years, after I learned the basics from my husband. I can’t say I know a lot, but what I know is enough to help me edit my pictures. I will give you a couple of examples of what I’m doing in Photoshop and why.

All the pictures that are taken with the DSLR are shot in raw format, so that means all of them have to be edited using Photoshop to make them jpg, to resize them and make them suitable for web. This is what I do to all the pictures on the blog. Besides this, I might crop a picture or edit to take out something I don’t want to see in it, like a plastic bottle from the grass in the park. I don’t want to look back at that picture and remember that someone didn’t trouble themselves to throw away the bottle properly.


This is how I’ve edited a picture from Burnley. The shadow under the building didn’t allow enough light to show the mechanisms underneath. To edit the picture, I opened it again using a different setting with a high exposure, I added to another layer. After that I made a mask and, with a tool from Photoshop, I’ve uncovered the lighter layer of the shadows under the building. The layers and the mask are visible in the printscreen of the Photoshop.


After modifying the picture, I resized it and saved it.


This is another example of what I showed earlier.


This is how the final picture looks like. Both of them are more realistic and how I saw the canal when the picture was taken.

I also use this method to modify pictures when the sky is not as bright in the picture or I have these issues with shadows. We don’t walk around with the tripod and the camera we use is a DSLR, but we don’t change the lens when we are out. I say we because my husband is the one taking pictures most of the time.


Another thing I do in Photoshop is to make my monthly 1-picture-a-day update. This is May, a work in progress, obviously. I like seeing all the picture at the end of the year and sometimes I would look at a specific day from the last year, to see what I did that day, for example on an anniversary I didn’t blog about.

In Photoshop I have a database where I have all the days, each on its layer. This offers me a great flexibility for each month.


January had an extra week. The collage is made in Photoshop too, I love working with layers. Changing the lines to add or remove days is very easy, removing day numbers or adding them is easy too.


The last thing I do in Photoshop is to make images for my blog or an imagine for Pinterest for recipes on CookStyle. Both are designed by my husband and I modify them when I need a new imagine.

Do you use Photoshop or do you prefer another program to edit your photos? Do you edit your photos at all?

7 Comment

  1. I used to use Photoshop all the time and loved it! Until I acquired four puppies! I don’t really have the time, I do however LOVE vsco!

  2. I love using Photoshop too 😀 I really cheap on it but it’s a tool that’s out there, isn’t it?

  3. I use Photoshop too. I work for a print company, so it’s second nature for me to take all photos into Photoshop, even if all these need is a tiny tweak.

  4. I love Photoshop! It’s the only photo editing software I use these days.

    I always take my photos in RAW format. It really helps you to bring an image to life and enhance it.

    I also use Photoshop for designing websites before developing them.

  5. My husband bought photoshop years ago and meant to help to edit my photos! But he never did it! So I just use another software to water mark my photo instead. I would love to learn it when I get the Chance!

  6. Your editing skills are amazing!

    Due to time constraints I use my iPhone for photography and an app called Repix and Moldiv to edit. But before I had kids I would use PaintShopPro on the PC. I tried using Phohotshop once but couldn’t get used to it – found it too advanced for me!!

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