Restaurants & Pubs Reviews


Karmana is a vegan Indian restaurant in Northampton. We went there for lunch and I liked the place, so I’m mentioning it on my blog. The staff is friendly and the food was as good. I like the decorations as well.

Karmana Northampton - outside

Karmana Northampton - interior


I picked three starters instead of a main and I shared some with my husband. I like trying, so the few-starters worked better for me. I picked houmous, the chilli tilly tofu, and roasty herby mushroom. The last two have similar ingredients: tofu and mushrooms, so it was really interesting to see how different these two tasted. I would gladly have both again.


My husband went for a pizza. He likes Calzone and he picked the option with vegan cheese. The alternative would have been with tofu. The pizza was filled with roasted veggies. I tasted it and it was nice, I liked it.


As I mentioned the decor was lovely. I really liked the different drums made into light shades.


Karmana is on 79 Broadmead Av, Northampton, NN3 2RA. There are plenty of on-road parking options nearby.

6 Comment

  1. I quite often prefer a selection of starters to a starter and a main, although you would be surprised at how ‘sniffy’ some restaurants get when I ask for that option!

    I think it is probably that I enjoy the starter, finish it all up and I am then too full to properly appreciate the main course, especially if one is served quite quickly after the other!

    Love the quirky decor too! đŸ™‚

    1. In my experience vegan restaurants are ok with a few starters instead of a main. Usually 3 starters are more expensive than a main, so it shouldn’t be an issue, but who knows they might do that. With new restaurants, I like to try a few different things instead of only 1.

  2. The food looks great! I know much Indian food is already vegetarian, but it’s nice to see vegan options. I think I’d like to try what your husband had, though I’m not sure whether I’d prefer vegan cheese or tofu. Both sound delicious!
    Kelly recently posted…Daisy Miller by Henry JamesMy Profile

    1. Yes, you are right. Many Indians are vegetarian and the food is very interesting. I like it, if it’s not too spicy.

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