Liverpool Travel

Lydiate Hall Farm Shop

Lydiate Hall Farm Shop is in the same location with The Hayloft tea shop. It’s about 25 minutes from Liverpool city centre, but it’s worth the trip. There is a lovely place to stroll, seeing the ruins of the Hall, two churches are nearby and they look lovely. I also noticed signs to public footpaths.

Lydiate Hall Farm Shop - Tea rooms

It’s not the first time I’m going to Lydiate Hall Farm Shop. I’ve been here before two years ago, when I was doing my Farm of the Month series. See two local farms if you fancy seeing that.

rooster at Lydiate Hall Farm Shop

The rooster was not impressed with my desire to take his picture. I tried not to disturb him too much.


At the farm there are lots and lots of peacocks. They calls can be heard everywhere. It’s lovely.


He wasn’t keen on showing his tail to me. This is the only picture I managed to snap with him. What a stunning looking bird.

Lydiate Hall Farm Shop

The farm shop is quite big.

Lydiate Hall Farm Shop

There is a mixture of locally made produce and imported fruits and vegetables. Also, there are jams, spreads, cheese, and biscuits. The only negative is that the biscuits are made with palm oil. I avoid buying products made with palm oil that is not sourced in a sustainable manner. I don’t know if the palm was sustainable or not, nothing was mentioned on the packaging. I think a small farm should only sell fairtrade and sustainable produce.

Lydiate Hall Farm Shop

Goose eggs

We bought a couple of things from the farm shop, including one of these goose eggs. I will make a taste test: goose egg, duck egg, and hen egg, and see which one I like best. That’s exciting.

Peacock at Lydiate Hall Farm Shop

Lydiate Hall Farm Shop is in Lydiate. Don’t use Lydiate Farm as a destination on Google maps, it will take you at a residence 15 minutes away from the real farm. Use: Southport Road, Lydiate, Merseyside L31 4HD.

4 Comment

  1. I have been shopping at Lydiate farm shop more or less since it opened. I used to take my children there. too and they are both in their sixties now. I am in my eighties and shopped there only this week in spite of the present restrictions imposed on old people.. It was heartlifting to see the old pond and dodging the chickens gathering around me. The peacocks are amazing and I still have photos of them with their
    beautiful tails outspread. The girls working there now are cheerful, helpful and friendly.
    Lydiate farm shop has such happy memories for me, long may it remain.

  2. I do love a good farm shop!
    When I was little my auntie had ducks so we used to get duck eggs from her occasionally, they were a real treat! I’ve never had a goose egg though! x

  3. OOoh, I look forward to your Goose v duck and hen egg comparison! I really like eating Duck egg omelette but haven’t done for years now!

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