Celebrations Life

Christmas and boxing day

My first Christmas in UK was very nice and very different. The only Romanian food I was able to make was “cozonac” (it’s similar to the Italian panettone, but with raisins, walnuts and cocoa). Besides this I’ve made houmus, mushrooms with mayonnaise, stuffed eggs and other appetizers. For the main course I had halumi (hubby had something meaty) with baked potatoes and green salad with mozzarella (baby spinach, rocket and watercress). For desert I’ve made a carrot cake. Usually I cook more food and more traditional, but I think this year’s menu was much better.


We had mince pies, I didn’t like the first one but right now I am a big fan. We will get another batch these days.

The boxing day was great. I got some clothes… and a fantastic pair of reindeer socks.


I wish you all Happy Holidays!