
May Morning

May Morning is a 500 year old tradition which involves the Magdalen Choir singing at 6am on 1 May morning on top of the Magdalen Chapel Tower. There are dancing performances throughout the city. I shared two funny stories and a lot of pictures from the day.


We left our hotel early and, as we walked, we hear a strong cough from behind some bushes. It was a horse. He was not keen on socializing, just coughing while people were passing by.


The Oxford to London bus driver had no idea that the Magdalen Bridge is closed, so he was trying to turn around. He managed, with help from a police officer. Hilarious!

 May Morning

We stopped on Magdalen Bridge because it was so busy we couldn’t go further. Enjoy the pictures.





Morris dancing

Morris dancing

Highland dancing



5 Comment

  1. Ooo oh wow this tradition sounds incredible I would love to attend this choral event and the rest of the day was just as incredible. Thanks for sharing here!


  2. May Day doesn’t seem to be much of a thing in the US anymore, but I have vague memories of May Poles and dancing (in school) from when I was a small child.

    I am amazed at that bus turning around!! I can’t imagine trying to do that.
    Kelly recently posted…2024 extras #4 📚My Profile

    1. This tradition of the choir singing on top of Magdalen Tower is the one that keeps the May tradition alive. It’s 500 years old and that makes it special. This singing is only at Oxford and only at Magdalen College.
      There are very few celebrations otherwise, unless they are organized by someone like National Trust on some of their properties.

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