
Why I love Instagram

I wanted to write this post about Why I love Instagram for a while. The main reason why I like Instagram so much is that it allows me to complete the 365 (366 this year) photo challenge. I wasn’t sure I’m going to enjoy doing it and kept postponing. I started in January and I like it a lot. I try to make the daily photos meaningful to me, even though, sometimes the meaning might not seem obvious to others. For example, when we bought the caravan, I shared a picture of Conwy because that was where we got it from. I wasn’t sure I will blog about caravanning, so I sort of kept it a secret for a short while.

Instagram is also an easy way to keep my social media active while I’m busy or away for a few days. I try to schedule twitter posts before leaving, but they are just promotion. I feel like the daily update brings a little bit more. I know I should be more active on twitter, but is mostly a lack of time from my part.


I don’t like to follow an Instagram theme, I find them boring and I’m not a fan of filters either. While once in a while I might use a filter, I wouldn’t want it on every single picture I’m sharing. For me, Instagram is all about connecting and sharing a little piece of personal life.

On my feed I would use pictures taken with the camera if they are relevant. For example, I’m eating a slice of cake made & photographed the day before, I would use that picture. It looks more professional and it saves me the bother to take another picture.

I enjoy looking at others people pictures, it’s such a nice way to see a little bit of their life. I like writing, but a picture can capture more than words, for me anyway.

What do you think about Instagram? I would love to know your thoughts.

4 Comment

  1. I really like it too! It’s so fun and so easy to see other people’s posts and find like-minded people and things you like!

  2. I love Instagram, too! ^^ I love being able to share my pictures with my friends and the world. It’s a nice feeling.

  3. I’m not one for Instagram themes either. I use mine v much a mini blog. Writing a bit about my day or my week in my captions. I have grown to enjoy interacting on Instagram and have seen it build my followers. I also did #365photo last year and loved it, I did 100 days of happy earlier this year too 🙂

  4. I like Instagram. I think it is a great photo sharing platform but I am yet to completely fall in love with it like I have fallen in love with Twitter.

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