Everyday life Life

10 Good things

Last Sunday I didn’t write the weekly post as it was Easter. This week, I’ve resumed the series with 10 good things, to cover both weeks.


1. Sunny days. It is more and more sunny and warm and I love it. This year I want to walk more, to do more circular walks and enjoy the countryside. We’ll take advantage of our memberships with National Trust and English Heritage to see new places too.

2. Poldark. I can’t remember how I’ve discovered this series, but I’ve enjoyed it immensely. I mentioned in another post that I’ve read a huge amount of romantic books when I was a teenager, I still do from time to time. Poldark is like one of the books I’ve read, but as a movie. A love story between a dark, handsome and mysterious man and a red-head, naive and beautiful woman. I loved it.

3. Winning tickets to BBC Good Food Show. I rarely participate in giveaways and contests and I was so happy to see that I’ve won the tickets in a giveaway. I received them in good time and decided to visit the show on Friday. I blogged about the show here, if you want to have a look.

4. Funny socks. This Easter I got 3 pairs of funny socks from F&F. I don’t usually buy clothes from the supermarket’s range, but I loved the socks and they were good value for money. I have a pair with bunnies, one with chicks and another one with sheep. Can’t decide which one I like best.

5. Learning SEO related stuff. I find it very exciting to learn about SEO. At the blogging event in February, Georgina told us about tags and I’ve decided to investigate more about them. This means that I’ve read a bunch of articles about tags and PA and DA and spam score and links. It is quite interesting for me and it will help me in my day job.

6. Drying clothes on the washing line. The last 3 years I had dryers and they proved to be essential. I don’t like the airers or leaving the clothes on the radiators. It is so easy to put all the washing in the dryer, turn it on and in an hour the clothes are ready to be put away in the dresser. Well, as it is warmer, I’ve asked hubby to put a couple of washing lines outside. It’s a hassle, but it gives a homely feel. I’m not sure how long I’m going to use them as the novelty will wear off and I’ll resume the 1 hour in the dryer routine.

7. My new blog. The design is ready and the implementation goes well. I have a few new posts as drafts, it’s so exciting. Easter really helped to take a bunch of photos and have everything ready to go live. I will even have an editorial calendar, to be sure I have a good balance of recipes.

8. Giveaways. I had in mind to do a giveaway for a while and finally I’ve decided on 2 special occasions for the giveaways and also I’ve decided what I’m going to give.

9. Remembering things from my childhood. One of the items in the goodie bag from the Good Food was a bottle of milk that had the same type of the metallic lid as the bottles my mum used to buy. Also, the taste is the same. It was so nice remembering that.

10. Blogging in the car. I’m writing the last good thing while hubby is driving on the motorway. As it is a very busy period that involved driving a few hours each day for the next couple of days and it’s great that I can blog on my laptop from the car. I already know the scenery as it’s a journey we are making every other month, so it would be quite boring, win-win situation.

2 Comment

  1. I love 10 good things!!! The socks are adorable! I MUST watch Poldark- my sister is named after a Poldark character and that started my Mum on the whole Cornish names thing!x

    1. You will love Poldark, the movie is so well made, a delight. Your sister is named after a Poldark character, wow, that’s so cool.

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