Reviews Sundry

Embleys Nurseries

I will talk in a couple of days about my garden, but, until then, I want to share my thoughts on Embleys Nurseries, a garden centre close to Liverpool. We’ve been to two other garden centres, besides the ones in the DIY stores and I wasn’t impressed with how the plants looked. Well, at Embleys the situation is very different, as you can see in the pictures below.

Embleys Nurseries - plants

I did not take pictures inside, where they have lots of pots and bird feeders and seeds and indoor plants. The indoor parts look great, all is well taken care of and very clean. You can imagine if you only consider how amazing the outdoor plants are looking there.

Embleys Nurseries - outside

We’ve spent most of our time at Embleys outside as we were looking for fruit trees to buy. We asked the staff for details and advice and they spent a lot of time with us, giving out extensive details on what sort of tree(s) would be suitable for us. It was really helpful as neither me nor my husband have any sort of experience in gardening, besides putting things in the ground/compost and hoping they will do well.

Look at that gorgeous lane with no trace of dirt anywhere. I just love the cleanliness out there. It’s a treat to walk around and see the beautiful flowers and plants.

Embleys Nurseries - berries

They have lots of fruit bushes, like these berries. As you can see, the pots are secured safely, keeping them in good shape. I am curious how these goji berries would grow, but I already have a raspberry bush and I don’t have space for another one, unfortunately.

Embleys Nurseries - rhubarb

They also have a few types of rhubarb. While they do not have salads and herbs as plants, but only as seeds, they have lots of fruit trees and bushes. Of course, there are lots of ornamental flowers and ornamental trees as well.

Embleys Nurseries - shrubs

The fruit tree section is so very well organized, with trees on rows depending on the fruits they make and their size when they reach maturity, ranging from very dwarf to the very big ones. There is a stand with details on sizes and the staff was always happy to help with any questions we might have.

While they do not have all versions on stock, they accept special orders. We got two trees from them, a very special apple I’m going to talk about in my next post and a cherry tree.

The prices for the trees are similar to the ones in other garden centres, but these trees are much better cared for. Each one is fixed to a trellis and it is connected to an irrigation system. It’s a joy to see them and, also, very hard to pick the one to get. While we were sure we are going to get only one tree, we ended up with 2 and now I’m thinking of planting a tree for next year, for the front garden (more a driveway for off road parking).

Embleys Nurseries

There is a restaurant in the same place, but we didn’t visit it.

Embleys Nurseries is on Liverpool Road, Much Hoole, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 4RL. They have a large car park and the nursery is about 45 – 55 minutes from Liverpool.

5 Comment

  1. That garden center really does look clean and well-maintained – not a small task considering all the soil involved! Now that you know how nice it is, you’ll have to visit again in the spring when I’m sure they’ll have a wider variety of vegetable/herb plants.

  2. I love visiting nurseries and garden centres! It’s so much fun and you can spend some great time there. There’s a nice selection of fruit trees and bushes in this one! 🙂
    Have a great week ahead Anca!

    Julia x

  3. What a beautiful nursery! You are inspiring me. We may be headed to the up-north nursery here at the lake to get a few more redtwiig dogwood trees, my birthday present. Next year we have to get north earlier when they are in bloom! I’ll be interested in seeing your garden!

  4. Lovely post, Anca! I look forward to seeing your garden updates as I’m interested in gardening too. The garden centre you shared looks like an interesting one. 🙂 xx


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